For those clamoring for mech healing with Stukov

I’ve gotten used to the Terran COs where if I want healing, I just send an SCV. Does nobody do that with Stukov? It’s kind of a pain, but it’s worth it having mech at full health again. As a bonus, if I’m holding a position, I’ll make a Bunkerlisk. Or, if I just need AA and/or detection, Infested Missile Turrets are still cheap (100/0/0) and quick to build

I do the same with Swann, HH (especially their Assault Galleons), and those few moments I use Tychus’ Auto-Turrets. I know Swann has Sci. Vessels, but they’re end of the tech tree, and expensive at 100/200/2. SCVs are available from the start (and don’t cost resources to repair due to Improved SCVs)

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How dare you bring an logical argument to these forums you nonbeliever?!!!

I do agree with you though, but i got to say i Hate how Horner doesnt share his healing tech with Hans most benefical unit. In the name of love, please change that Blizzard!


How do SCVs repair queens?


People have different understanding of the game and skill level. can’t expect everyone to make a turret or repair. My ally on brutal did not research Warp Gate for vorazun and kept building out of gates. It is what it is.


Matt’s doing it on purpose. He doesn’t want Mira’s scrapyard-looking SCVs touching his ships.


Well, Han could share the tech she already owns (Reapers’ auto-heal) with her other dispo-- I mean, daring mercenaries.


Any chance she just… forgot? Admitedly, when I forgot to research it, it was AFTER I finished the “DTs jump around and attack stuff” upgrade at the Dark Shrine. I promptly went back to my Cyb Core to get that done.

I had one game as Raynor (out of 10 or so) where I figured out why my troops were sucking… I forgot to research all 3 tech upgrades! (Combat Shield, the one for Medics, and Concussive Shells Marauders) :zipper_mouth_face:

Well I wouldn’t exactly say I’m “clamoring” but asking Blizz instead for mech healing mastery instead of volatile spawn chance, removing the last one and making it permanent by default.

And let me tell ya, I do send scvs to repair my mechs when I need it. But as smb stated above, you can’t repair bqueens. You can’t be spending a lot of gas in case of vipers if you have injured i-libs.

In case of i-banshees you can heal them by burrowing, so let’s just assume they don’t need it, and i-tanks can eat civs, they need it less than the rest.

But again, Raynor has 2 masteries that favour his mech. Stukov has been reworked but not entirely, it won’t make any damage to rework his first mastery just to improve his mech with mech healing.


Queens aren’t mech :wink: :slight_smile:

Yeah, having another way to heal mech for Stukov is just gravy. Not having it and using SCV isn’t hard. Even losing 12+ mech and remaking them still doesn’t hinder the progression of a map (in cases of those who don’t want to bother with repair).

Looking at the other terrans with mech repair options.

Raynor : SCV repair, MULE drop repair. Medics upgraded to heal Mech units.

Swann : SCV repair (free with lvl upgrade, guess can be airlifted with Hercules) Science Vessels. Biosteel upgrade from armory.

Nova : SCV repair. Defensive drone mitigation. Raven repair pod.

H&H : SCV repair. ???

Stukov : SCV repair.

Maybe if Stukov could air carry SCVs thatd help a bit. That and adjust the AI so SCVs would focus on attack units first, not themselves?

I heard using Medics to repair BCs is bad b/c it rapidly depletes them of energy that’s better off used to heal Raynor’s bioball isntead (although I’ve gotten lazy and used Medics none of the less)

Yeah, HH can use SCVs to repair per “normal Terran way”. Worth noting is Horner’s units (ie. Dominion Starport units) regenerate hp. Dunno if Strike Fighters count, but they return to their SF Platform bldg so quickly that I’d recon regen would be moot anyways

Stukov’s Banshees can rapid regen hp by burrowing. Tanks gain a chunk of life when they gobble up an Infested Civvy or Trooper. OF course, Bunkerlisks have an upgrade to heal x2 as fast when rooted.

Tychus can repair his Auto-Turrets (assuming they get used) via SCVs. Ditto with Sirius’ Warhound Turrets (although generally not worth it since they’re on timed life). Sirius himself is mech and can be repaired, as well as Blaze, and IIRC Cannonball. However, they heal rapidly on their own anyways, and even better with Nikara/Blaze that SCVs aren’t needed.

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Queens get upgrade through armory. What do you say?

I think SCVs work fine with tank and bunker crawl comp. Problem is when you run diamondbacks since SCVs can’t keep up. Guess we’ll just have to resort to hit and run attacks when using Stukov.

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I prefer building out of gates. It lets me queue a whole bunch and forget it until my army’s ready.

With Warp Gates you have to drop everything and pop out another unit every minute or so or else you’re losing production time.

Should always sent SCV with ground mechs to help distract enemies. Rather loose minerals than gas ^ ^, imagine SCV as being infested troops who repair instead.

Of all the commander who needs a Mech Regen, its Protoss commanders o.o
They outta luck with repair ahah.

I wish SCVs had a small repair beam (or puke, for Stukov :stuck_out_tongue: ), so that they don’t need to dance that much.

Sure, lets remove even more of the infested feel from Stukov. Afterall, he is just an infested commander.

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Learn to read better sweetie. You need it :wink:

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Huhhh?? You are one of those advocating for mech healing mastery instead of volatile infested. What did I get wrong here? If at least you had suggested to replace mech attack speed with mech heal, that would have been useful.

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