EVERY GAME NOW, ITS ME, AND 3 NEWBS WHO LEAVE 5 MINS IN THE SECOND THEY SEE EVEMY UNITS, VS AN ALL DIAMOND TEAM, THIS IS COMPLETELY WACKED, If the same players were evenly distributed throughout the game by skill we’d have an actual game… WHAT IN THE ACTUAL EF?


Better make peace with it. Changes to the game ended almost 4 years ago. And as the playbase declines with time, its going to get worse.

  1. Deal with it

  2. Quit starcraft 2

You have 2 options, make your decision

Could also solve this by playing with friends.
So the 3rd option is getting friends

OP likely doesn’t have any friends to play with in the first place.

This is caused by the MMR averaging in team games. If your MMR is very high, the game will match you with noobs, and the other team might have a more even MMR distribution. The idea is that SC2 tries to match the TOTAL MMR of one team vs. the other team.

There is literally someone that is using a SC2 account that left every game played in 2v2, over a hundred games left, in the first seconds of the 2v2 game.

And it is probably the person has a second account to win these 2v2.

Nobody cares anymore, the only solution as I said many times before, is to pay a monthly cheap subscription like 2.99 or 1.99 to have them fix this SC 2 (I pay for Dota2 sub even though I play much less compared to SC2)