Fix Multiplayer Cannon Rushing BLIZZARD

Cannon rush has completely ruined the multiplayer VS. mode. There is little defense to someone clicking on the other side of the map and warping in a pylon and cannon. A lot of people used to play multiplayer vs and now its just a lobby full of cannon rushers. It’s not that cannon rushing isn’t a legit win, its that NO ONE ELSE GETS TO PLAY. I know that is a hard concept for the rushers to understand, but not everyone is playing to be the future Starcraft Multiplayer Rushing Champion. It’s not just a problem, its made the game completely dysfunctional.

Well for Zerg go 12 pool drone max pop 14 next larva build overlord and sit on larva by 3 one come pool is finished.

If he was cannon rushing u his first pylon is about done.

By time dropped cannon you would have 6 lings ready go.

Now best way fix this is make nexus like hatcheries and make upgrade for pylons produce their own power.

So way I make this work is pylons gains power from nexus until upgrade.

This would help toss not losing production by sniping pylons in base.

Fair trade they lose cannon rush but get stronger base out of it.

Blizzard is clearly insinuating “If you cannot beat them, join them”. To make an actual statement, everyone on this game should cannon rush. Because coordinating such an event would be difficult, we should petition an annual canon rush day where everyone on ladder participates in cannon rushing each other.

Starcraft 2 is all about learning and taking advantage. Cannon rushing has many forms where many knew of 1 or 2 forms of it. You can learn through the AI or with others to detect cannon rush before it hits. Skillful players will always have an edge of winning that’s just how the game works. Use the tools and watch videos on it. It will take some time to master it.