Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

I thought I responded to you, but I guess I forgot, so fair play.

I still don’t buy that it’s “they’re bad,” because the only metric used to determine what skill level they’re at, is their MMR.

Have yet to pivot in an argument. My argument stands the same as it’s always been (less MMR per game, higher difficulty).

But they are.

Imagine my face when you Said eliwan is on your Side when in fact it was clear He wasnt :smiley: Same with farbros.

Dude. Just Stop. And maybe get some Help.

YOU’RE the one who cares about the popularity of ideas. Not me. I care about being correct or not.

And also:

He still did. Whether he changed his mind or not.

That said. I think he’s more annoyed that we keep going than actually taking any side whatsoever. Either way. I think I’ve demonstrated pretty handily that IDGAF lol.

You desperately tried to Claim you Had some allies. Which you dont.

And you arent. So Stop it.

Yes. In another Point He agrees with you. But Not Overall… Reading comprehension.

I’m not fighting a war lol. Maybe a war against abject stupidity.

I am, though. You not wanting to believe it doesn’t make it any less real, buttercup.

Think back, homey. To when I first proved to you that Terran players weren’t “new.” Did you ever stop and even think (much less, say) “hey, that’s a good point?” Or did you roll right into “well they must be more casual because they must play fewer games.”

Every time you goalpost, I win. Count it as a knockdown. 10-8 round. You’ve been sat down more times than I can count (well, 3, but still).

But you couldnt convince anyone so far. Just because you believe something it doesnt make it real :slight_smile:

I guess…you rather fight the war on the wrong side?

Again, i have always stated these are possible explanations. Never have i said it must be because of xyz.

Even in the discussion of avg mmr i have said: x could be because of this, y could be because of this. I delivered possible explanations. (Avg mmr can be different even tho races would be just skins; avg mmr for bottom 50% and top 50% is the same; the population is not random so we cant excpect the same behaviour for every race. etc. etc. etc.)

YOU failed to deliver a proof why a difference in mmr MUST show imbalance/difference in difficulty.

Ah, finally. Pure cringe.
Ok buddy.

You literally stated that Terran playing less games = more casual, but Terran playing more games = inconclusive… Let that sink in. How many Ls can you take?

I Like how you mention this old Point Like 10000 Times. I have Said countless Times it was Just thought i Had without checking the Numbers. The Numbers however didnt Show that terran is less active. They dont Show that they are more active either. It Matches pretty Well.

Also i havent Said that when terran Play more we cannot Draw anything Out of it. I Just Said based on the Numbers we cannot make any Argument since the Numbers Show that the Activity Matches Well.

And what has this Point to do with terran being Harder or Not? Since there is no difference in activity No Point can be Made.

Just try to distract from the fact that you have 0 reason to believe that terran is Harder. You Just want to believe it Just because.

Cope Harder please.

It doesn’t match at all buddy - the bell curve for zerg and toss are normal whereas the one for terran is right skewed. YOu have no idea what you’re tlaking about

Yeah. Terran players aren’t some superior breed. But you refused to acknowledge that the fact that Terran don’t play remarkably less, even suggests that they might not just magically be more casual just because that makes you feel better.

What exactly IS your explanation for the glut of terrans in the metal leagues then, if they arent just a bunch of casual players?

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That they’re not more or less casual, on average, than other races of players and that the higher skill floor for entering Gold keeps them at a slightly lower MMR.

Because there are Other metrics that Look suspicious. Its nuts that you basically argue that terran is Harder than any Other Race based on Players way below average.


Even your saint eliwan says its because of familarity…does it Ring a Bell ? This was one of my Initial Arguments too…

Then prove it ? You are making an assumption. You Just assume thats how it is but why would you assume that If the distribution of the Players is Not randomized?

Do you realize that sc2 is basically: you give people Like 3 Doors to choose and say “hey Look hey Look Pick the First door” and then woooow who could Imagine more people will Pick the First door wooooow much statistics such wow. Psychology woooow. Mindblowing.

Why would you Draw any conclusion when you know that the distribution is biased?

Half of people who play are below average. I think it’s crazy that YOU want to throw away half of the player base because the conclusions obviously drawn make you uncomfortable.

Eliwan was never my “saint.” lol. He was yours.

To the extent that such a thing even CAN be proven, I HAVE. Or rather, YOU have. You literally posted the numbers to show that Terran players were newer and more casual. Your new way of describing them is “their approach to the game is less serious.” Sure, maybe they play more games, but those games are less fruitful.

How on earth am I supposed to prove such a thing? What would I do to quantify it?

YOU made the assumption that Terran players are inferior (by which manner they’re inferior has shifted over the past months, but it’s always something). That’s an assumption with which the burden of proof is on you. Not me.

Nope. You need to prove your assumptions.

Yes and i have shown it: because the avg mmr is the Same for bottom 50% for t and z both races are Distributed in the Same way (in the Sense that they average Out) meaning t doesnt do better or worse. Meaning there are simply more terrans that are Bad in Low Level Play. Easy as that.

You still believed He was on your Side :smiley: Like anyone would actually Drink your koolaid.

I dont throw Them away. I actually use Them in bottom 50% calc. I Just Said that they skew the Population in a very Bad way. And you argue this is a Proof for t being Harder. Which is nuts. You use people who dont actually Play or Care about the Game as an Argument that t is Harder :smiley:

They are so new and Bad at the Game… that they…could Just Switch the Race? Would be easy. Its Like resetting your 20 Minute playthrough. You dont lose anything.

Yeah. And that’s a stupid way to prove something. “hey I split these guys by MMR and now they have the same MMR” is exactly what you did. Statistics always contain clusters. They always do.

See, this is just a straight up lie. I have proven that Terran players are not new. You want to talk about bad faith arguments this takes the absolute cake.

Its not. You tried to disprove that by saying lets take average height…not realizing what you stated is wrong and would further validate what i did.

yeah and there is nothing bad about it. if there is please show. its still a huge observation if you split them into 50% of the group and they have the same mmr.

I know what you mean tho. If we split them into 10% each the difference (if there was any to begin with) would diminish. Its pretty much correct. But that doesnt apply to using 2 large groups of 50%.

Again: Its not like i said: Look ppl in gold have about the same avg mmr. This would be plain stupid. I agree with you. Luckily i didnt do that.

You however think the only correct way to look at this statistic is to look at 100% population. To which i replied by giving an example that this has a critical flaw because of the uneven distribution of population (36%, 29%, 26%). Because if you substitute race with skin (meaning there is no actual difference between races) you could still see a difference in average mmr that, by your statement, would mean that 1 skin is “harder” or “worse” than any other skin. Which is wrong.

Again, this is an example to demonstrate to you that you didnt prove anything. You just assumed something. And that there is a possible explanation other than “terran is harder”.

And the next thing is obviously that you cant assume same behaviour from all groups when they are in fact not randomly chosen.

They are in silver league…so yeah they are bad. They could just switch race and get better according to you? OH WAIT. Ive shown that z and t have the same avg mmr for bottom 50%. So it wouldnt change a thing :slight_smile: WEIRD :smiley:

Sentry GM promotion waiting room. I think you need some inspiration.

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“There’s always gonna be another mountain
I’m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb”

Truer Words were Never Spoken!

Especially since im protoss. You know? The HARDEST RACE! Not like terran, the race that gets picked by every other guy. IM PROTOSS.
Its expectionally HARD.
(Please look at me, I need attention)

So yeah its always gonna be an uphill battle.

But there’s zero reason to split them in two by MMR. No statistician does that. Do we see them split BMIs by BMI then say, look, really fat people are about as fat as other really fat people?

It’s a strawman now. They’re bad. Of course they are. But maybe a Silver 1 player finds himself in Gold 2 (or whatever 300 MMR higher is).