Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

It’s not, though. Building from multiple structures is definitionally more difficult than building from a single one. No one should argue that hitting 4 and holding down “z” is difficult. Injecting? Sure (though in general Zerg mechanics and specifically micro is easier).

But making the actual units? Come on bro. My Zerg APM is higher than my Terran APM and my Z is terri-bad.

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Let’s put it to the test, then. Will you play the ladder with a program that requires you to hit the marine button 4 times for every 1 marine you make? According to your theory, this should make no difference in how difficult it is to macro as terran, because the APM number is irrelevant. We can go more extreme with the example. Why not 100 clicks to make 1 marine? Why not 1,000? I mean, the APM number is irrelevant because it doesn’t represent a real cost inside the actual game, right? Right.

Unfortunately we’ve entered “lunatic” territory where we are supposed to deny basic realities about the game to protect terran cry force feelings, lmao. What a waste of space this website is on the internet.

Batz? Holy hell. It’s been a minute.

huh who is batz ?? do yall know each other

Batz is a word on these boards that means literally anyone who can string together a logically coherent argument.

No, your word choice and argument style is very similar. If it’s not you, fine. But he’d actually been a welcome addition.

He was never really correct, but he was at least on the same intellectual level as me. These other kids are so boring and can’t keep up.

Who is he? Probably 500 people have been called that name. Which one are you referring to.

You are definitely correct, but not for the reason you seem to think.


more nonsense coming from you - are you ever gonna stop?

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I just gave you 6 irrefutable facts and then I summarized your arguments and laid them bare. That’s literally all you have. “I split players by MMR and now they have the same MMR” is your smoking gun.

You can attempt to call me names. I have my insecurities, but “stupid” isn’t one. I have a 145 IQ. I started multiple businesses and was able to retire by my early 30s.

You can find my insecurities if you were to know where to look, but you’re looking in the wrong spot, little one.

Was a guy named “TehBatz” back in the day. That’s who I’m referring to.

To answer your prior question: no

4SZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ doesn’t require more skill than

Producing all your units from one structure is easier. Plain and simple. It’s ludicrous to assert otherwise. It’d be as stupid as me saying that dropping mules was nearly as difficult as injecting.

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Then you are willing to play on the ladder with a program that makes you have to hit AAAAAAAAAA to make 1 marine, correct? According to your theory, the apm number is irrelevant, and this challenge contributes nothing to the game except inflating your apm, so you shouldn’t notice a difference. Come on, put your money where your mouth is. $100 bucks says your rank goes down if you have to hit A 10 times for 1 marine.

No one made that claim. I made the claim that you quoted. Why are we talking about this entirely new topic?

Lmao ez pz lemon squeezy

Yeah. “I made a stupid strawman argument then I won it.”

You belong on the short bus with Sentry and the rest kiddo.

* explains the basics of how a game works *

" you are straw manning me!!!"

Dude, I made the argument that producing from multiple structures was more difficult than producing from a single structure. You came back with “so you’re saying APM has nothing to do with difficulty.”

That’s not just a strawman, it’s a totally different argument.

It’s almost as stupid of an argument as “I split people by MMR and they had the same MMR so Terran players all just suck.”


U can make an argument 4 anything. Is the moon made of cheese? Well it looks like it, so it must be!

Whether the data agrees is another matter. Whobis least in gm-- terran or zerg?

Why you keep repeating nonsense ? You still dont understand what Splitting by mmr means and you still dont get that we never Said that all terran Players are worse.

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Buddy stick on topic - toss and zerg are easy. Hows your terran mmr doing? A few weeks ago you said you were gonna get to your toss MMR easily :clown_face: