You haven’t shown anywhere where your terran was higher than your toss. It’s cause you can’t, no matter how much you play.
Do i need to do that? Why should i need to do this if im main protoss? Btw you dodged the proof for you being higher with protoss. Btw hope you didnt cheese in any of those games i know a lot of guys saying: “hey look i can reach xyz mmr” but then turns out they just cheese Maybe i get loads of free mmr with this cyclone all in. Maybe i will do it if you p!ss me off too much.
But yeah i think im done talking to a terran that doesnt know that marines beat zealots and which mmr i have surpassed within 2 months
Now i know again why i never actually reply to you. Its simply not worth.
yup thanks for proving me right . You are 4.5k and 4k as terran. Skill scaleability , your toss is nothing - terran is the true MMR
thank you for the good laughs.
thanks for proving me right - not sure what you were arguing this whole time when it literally states in the initial post that it’s -400 MMR ATLEAST. How accurate is that.
It only took 784 posts , the funny thing is that you aren’t even smart enough to notice how contradictory you are
Does it hurt you all the time? I mean being you must hurt a lot.
If you could read graphs you would notice that i ranked in my toss after my terran at 4.1k and then i proceeded to continue with protoss and after 3 months i got from 4.1k to 4.5k and then stopped completly.
In short so you can understand it: there was a time period between me being 4k terran and me being 4.5k protoss.
Also, your whole topic doesnt make sense at all. How stupid you actually have to be to say: if you are 4.5k protoss then you MUST be 4.5k aswell else it would proof terran is harder. Your argument should rather be: If you had mained terran instead of protoss you would be 400 mmr lower. That aswell would be a completly stupid argument in itself but it makes much more sense than: “huh you only got to 4k in 2 months, see? terran is so much harder”
My head gets dizzy from all the stupidity. A max 4k terran player that doesnt know about mules, that doesnt know about nephest, that doesnt know that marines kill zealots tries to argue that only because your offrace is not the same mmr as your main race, the offrace is obviously the harder race hahahaha. I got like 5% of my total time in terran and got to 4k. What makes you think i plateaud? Obviously i could have chosen terran to be my new main race and for that time i actually was better than my toss because i havent played toss in lotv. i simply didnt play lotv before 2017.
So you’re saying you’re 4k terran and 4.5k toss , noted . Thanks for proving me right yet again.
It’s funny that you’re spending so much effort in arguing with the data doesn’t lie. Even your own data betrays you.
Also this is purely anecdotal and personal experience. Terran mains in my league who is off racing toss have higher MMR and have admitted that toss is easier too.
Btw where is your proof that you were higher with toss and actually also with zerg? You didnt show me any proof. Just empty words that you spit out in defeat you try to provoke me, because there is nothing left you can do. You failed in every instance. You actually believed that zealots could beat marines. Have you ever played sc2?
I told you I played 3 years ago on a different account that’s been since gone
empty words like your 4k terran and 4.5k toss ? Thanks for proving me right yet again. You’re so generous with being wrong today
Zealots do beat marines. If they didn’t then pro gamers wouldn’t have to kite to dodge. Please educate yourself. As you can see 4.5k toss means nothing
Ah ok. I see. Well then im afraid im actually grandmaster 7k with terran because it was too easy. But sadly i lost the account
So yeah. Basically you have no proof. At least i have proof you know?
that i backed up? also that i first got terran to 4k in 2 month despite i never actually played terran.
I actually have tested it in unit test map.
Marines kick zealots a$$
Everyone knows that. Well hold on! Everyone that is good at the game knows that.
I did the testing. I mean i knew the result beforehand but i didnt expect marines to beat zealots so hard to be fair.
Oh so you’re 4k terran and 4.5k toss - wow you sure are good at proving yoruself wrong
yup - that’s why pros have to kite against zealots , really smart
Under the right conditions such as choke point , funneling etc . Apples to apples they don’t
What else should you do? just standing around a moving? well you can do that too but only with 30 marines vs 15 chargelots. before that chargelots gonna win.
Why do proplayers do that? because they want to maximize their trade? you can pretty much beat 30 marines vs 15 chargelots without any casuality with medivacs (or maybe a few). But they dont break a sweat to win the fight How delusional are you?
Nope. Everytime that its not a small circle where there is no way out. For example even in the unit test map (the map is very very small) marine kick zealot a$$ easily. Do you even play sc2?
//imgur. com/a/4hKdLVO
did just right now. 30 marines with combat and stim vs 15 zealots with charge. i didnt move at all i just target fired a bit. 13 marines survived. You are still sure that zealots win vs marines? because then you would be factually wrong.
Btw with moving around and kiting without combat and stim and charge on that small test map i won with 23 marines(16 marines remain when not moving and just targeting and just a moving then 1 zealot remains for protoss. turns out terran only barely loses when people do exactly nothing). Wasnt remotely hard. So yeah…marines do kick zealot a$$ anytime any day in any circumstances if the numbers are greater than just a few units and the total cost matches who would have thought that ranged is stronger than melee? a total genius of a terran player you are. and thats nearly 4k mmr. speaks volumes.
before you talk back again please provide proof that you have a zerg account and a protoss account that is at 4k minimum(actually 4.3k according to your own standard). With ingame screenshots since you arent ranked here on that wheasy account. Or better: just do it on the wheasy account. I expect you being 4k minimum within 1 month. But not just the placement matches. I want at least 30 matches each in a macro match (since i got your link, i can just watch your match history that there isnt something weird happenign). At the end of february i will remind you of that task. if you need more time, let me know. Live up to your own standards please
Sure thing I already did it , it’s up to you now mr 4k terran who is 500 mmr below their toss like I foretold in the original post.
Basically reinforcing the post with your terran hahahaha
Because of the mechanical difficulty? You know, like how the pro player that plays your race just stated.
Nobody even talked about buffs for Terran. Give your brain a chance.
And maybe, just maybe, consider that someone who plays YOUR RACE for a living may know something you don’t.
No, I’m sorry, but mechanical difficulty isn’t what’s keeping any low league player out of higher leagues, regardless of race. Bronze, silver and gold especially.
The first two leagues have no understanding of basic macro mechanics at all, while gold has finally achieved basic macro comprehension, they definitely haven’t mastered it. Not to mention, they have only the vaguest understanding of build orders and unit composition. And you can completely forget about micro, because for anyone who is legitimately silver, micro doesn’t exist; their micro consists of staring at their units doing nothing, or worse, negative micro - though they usually don’t have the APM for negative micro.
You don’t think there’s any possibility that a player that plays in Silver 1 might maybe get Gold 3 with a different race?
See this is what the 3 of you do. You strawman my arguments time and time again. Then when I show you a professional SC2 player that doesn’t even play Terran explaining it to you, but you still Ostrich your head in the sand.
I think youre the one making the claim, so you need to prove that is whats happening. It doesnt matter how much of a possibility there is because you have not provided any evidence at all that is what is actually going on. A years-old interview doesn’t mean anything.
means more than youll ever add value to
we provided data and anecdotes from a PROFESSIONAL toss buddy. What else are you looking for ? Also hope you know that absence of “evidence” is not evidence of absence or are you too dense to comprehend that
Right right. Nothing means anything, right? Showtime’s opinion doesn’t matter. Statistical representation doesn’t matter (oh, except when we realize that there’s a cluster and that somehow means that Terran players are “just bad”?)
Truth is, there’s no proof you’d accept.
Hey bourne. Earlier in the thread I used a bradford hill analysis to show that apm is the cause of skill. Well wouldn’t it be interesting to know that terrans in silver/bronze have a higher apm than gold league protoss. Hmm. How about that. I wonder what that means.