"Cluster analysis has a wide range of applications in various fields, including marketing, biology, finance, and social sciences. For example, it can be used to identify genetic markers associated with specific diseases, to detect anomalies in financial transactions, and to classify social media users into different categories based on their interests and behaviors. It is commonly used in market research for segmenting customers into groups based on their buying behaviors. "
I think you are pulling your statements out of your ar$e just to avoid acknowledging being wrong.
Obviously its pretty important why those 2 categories are clustered…almost if one cluster behaves not like the other. And you dont want to analyse this cluster…you just want to mix them so you can draw your conclusion that you always wanted. Neat.
I might’ve been more apt to look at it, had you produced this conclusion prior to 2 years of us arguing while you had literally zero facts to back your statement up. Think about that. It took you TWO FREAKING YEARS to split the population up by MMR and say “Hey! Look mommy! When you split them up by MMR, Terran doesn’t have that much less MMR.”
Prior to that “finding,” were your conclusions ever any different? No? Not once? Didn’t think so.
And studying clusters of genetic abnormalities is way different from splitting players, noting that they contain clusters (which they almost always do) then using them to justify brain dead moronic explanations.
I told you this since the beginning. But you never listened. You were not the brightest bulb and couldnt grasp anything i said. Its not different to current times where we have to explain to you 10 times that we dont say ALL terrans are worse.
To this day you dont understand what it means what i did. You tried to come up with explanations like: when we do the same with height between men and women the height difference would disappear or that people with same bmi must look the same
You literally have 0 reason to downplay other peoples views or skills. You have shown multiple times that you arent capable of understanding basic things so you have to resort to personal attacks without any arguments.
In the whole response you simply didnt state any counter argument only by:
You simply fail to abstract the important information and what it could mean for other groups. They dont simply list ALL the different examples why you would cluster. They give you SOME examples, so you can conclude why and where its important. For example:
"It is commonly used in market research for segmenting customers into groups based on their buying behaviors. "
This is pretty important. Because sc2 is a product and it got adverted to humans/players. And which faction is the most popular one? Its the humans/terrans. Which race is incredibly popular at low level ? Its the terran race. Meaning researching this cluster would maybe give us the answer, that indeed, there are more terrans because of the way sc2 was marketed.
Too bad you cant read properly
And you didnt even try This is the thing that annoys me the most. You could come up with a dozens of reasons not to believe us but you simply dont even try Almost if…you arent capable…
To use a more general approach to clusters:
“Cluster Analysis is a useful tool used to identify patterns and relationships within complex datasets. It involves using algorithms to group data points into groups called clusters. Grouping data points based on their similarities and differences allows researchers to gain insights into the underlying structure of their data.”
Or maybe come up with a source that tells us that studying clusters is not a useful thing to do? Instead of just stating some weird things, you can maybe back up some of the things you say? I forgot…you dont have to prove anything. Only we have to do it.
… What? Yes you can. You usually can’t extract multiple useful things from this information, so it’s likely to not be of great assistance, but this is an essential part of looking at any collection of data points.
But that’s not even what I’m doing: I’m saying that concluding “average, they’re worse” while the data are that way seems fairly fallacious because the environment is so pre-aligned against it.
The reason I add the “only” is because of the second point, that no player is better or worse than another player of their rank.
And if one doesn’t include that part, you’re asserting that Bronze and Grandmaster are equal. There is no way you mean that, therefore, I clarified.
Also, please note, you’re saying that these two sentences are wholly different while also constantly having said that two other equally different sentences are the same. C’mon.
Yes, but different is not invalid.
noting that they contain clusters (which they almost always do)
No, that’s not what is being noted.
then using them to justify brain dead moronic explanations.
Well, of course not - Nothing you had said had meaningfully demonstrated to Sentry that the position was false. Why would someone change their position if the sought after information is simply absent?
It’s not like your conclusion’s changed despite the information being laid out in front of you like this.
I agree with the OP. I always said zergs are 1 league below from Terrans. It same goes to Protonoobs but it’s counted a bit differently. Just depends on the league. The moderators manipulate the thumbs up there as its only one thumb up for 625 replies and I assume 10000+ views. It’s unreal that nobody, even trolls didn’t voted thumbs up. His upvotes was removed to look Terran OP. Only zerg noobs and protons have game ending compositions that cannot be countered. And it came to that stage that moderators need to remove the thumbs up from terrans just to look like they are wrong. And you think im joking or something but to prove that im not using empty words ask me anything how to win ZvT easily like: “ok duke nuke so how do i win all the game VS Terran as zerg?” - LOL! JUST DO ULTRALISKS YOU NOOB. I don’t get what people don’t understand. What is so unclear there? Just get ultralisks. Stop doing weird strategies. Just… get… ultras… and claim your free win. Add some speedlings to support them and throw everything on A-move. ggwp.
Letting you know the dynamics of the game would help Bournes argument so you won’t want to see it. and I usually go 17/17/17 extra drone was probably during a song change.
Never mind this is too juicy. Time to post it. Zerg has to do 6x as many actions with top 1 percentile knowledge to match the score of a protoss with carrier 1a.
h ttps://imgur.com/a/ZoKOcfv
h ttps://imgur.com/a/j5BRtVa
After getting presented Proof that its indeed useful and correct to analyse Clusters, would you agree that analysing those Clusters in sc2 makes Sense ?
Okay, I’ll agree to that if you agree that the reason Protoss players didn’t win a single tournament last year is because all the subpar pro players “just chose” Protoss.
So you will choose to disagree with the truth If i disagree with a lie? Weird Take but OK. You do you.
Nice Change of topic btw. Cmon now. Stay on topic. You Said that looking at Clusters is wrong. Without giving any reason or giving a source. I can give you entire fields of studies that Revolve around Clusters in Data Analysis or Data visualisation…because it Turns Out …logically… Its pretty important to analyse Clusters. For example If you want to advertise you can now analyse which adverts will Work and wont Work on specific groups but also across whole groups because now you know in which topics those groups will think alike and in which Not.
How? Just how did you manage to pull that off being behind? This is pretty much impossible. Well ok, i think you were extremly aggressive in early/midgame and the toss laid back and pumped carrier from the getgo and somewhere in the 10th minute mark he just wrecked every army. This is the only possible explanation i can come up.
It’s a one for one representation of your argument. You’re stating that you know why those 100,000 or so players all choose their race (Terran is somehow more inviting to weaker players). You’re stating this without any evidence whatsoever. Just that you were able to split players by MMR and that they then had less disparity in MMR.
So, if you can decide you know what 100,000 players are doing and why, I can state I know what 10 players are doing lol.
Not really, carrier production is hampered by gas income so although he went full elazer mode he was still able to crank out enough carriers by the 6 minute mark. The real problem is the terran doesn’t know how cracked cyclones are in teams and still went marine tank, and widow mines (which are the worst unit in the game against perfect play). Carriers are actually UP in teams, Tempests are the OP unit.
The APM tracker is pretty inaccurate and honestly kind of trash because of how it just tracks what “input” is. For example, when I press my inject sequence, it counts as like 200 actions in two seconds so the action tracker sometimes briefly displays absurd numbers like 1500.
So nothing at all unlike the problem we’ve been having for a long time: you say this, but much easier explanations exist - either that these Protoss players don’t have a rapid-fire key and you do; or that you have many wasted or spammed inputs and they don’t.