Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

Yeah. There is nothing wrong with creating Label. Instead of 1 Label for whole mmr there are now 2. You know ? There is a big Population disparity so maybe we should Take that into Account ? And yes…shockingly. its Not that easy to See Nor was it expected by me. I guessed it but its cool to have confirmation. It means that t and z are actually equally Distributed. One could expect that for example more z Players are in gold and hence increasing the avg mmr from zerg in bottom 50%. But we dont See that. We See that the bottom 50% is Equal in Terms of mmr between all races meaning the Race itself doesnt have the Impact you perceive.

I think everyone knows that the mmr between all races is similiar from Plat to Masters since the Race % are equal. Now i have demonstrated that the mmr is indeed also Equal for Bronze to gold. That wasnt so easy to See since there are a Ton of terrans in there but its true…terran has nearly the Same mmr as zerg in that range Too.

You Said some time ago that a terran that switches races in lower League would instantly be better. This is pretty much disproven by that.

Only because you dont understand what that means doesnt mean its wrong.

Where did i State that in my recent Post. Please Show me.

You Held onto this Activity Thing Like the Last Straw only to (hopefully) realize it was Just 1 Observation. And a meaningless too because there is so greater deviation in activity.

In Short: every Argument you posted pretty much Hit the Floor.

But even with 0 Arguments you will still cry from the top of the world that terran is so much Freaking Harder and waaagh waaagh waaagh.

What? They are exaclty the opposite of evenly distributed. You artificially split the player base BY MMR, then showed: “hey, look, they have the same MMR.”

I couldn’t write a TV character to be this stupid. No one would believe it.

Then please Tell me what IS wrong about it

It seems you have No reasonable Argument about it so you Just Go Back to insulting.

They are. If you Account for Population then they are. Obviously. Their average mmr Equals Out.

Yes. Which is a valid way. I created 2 Labels and instead of 1 whole group that is flawed by uneven Population we now have 2 smaller ones but still pretty big groups.

You really do have the memory of a Gold fish, don’t you?

But terran doesnt Play more Games. Or you actually Need to demonstrate that. They dont actually Play significantly more Matches.

My dude. “Evenly distributed” means they have the same populations. All you’ve done is shown that people of the same group that is determined by MMR have similar MMRs lol.

In this Case (i have Said multiple Times now) IT means that terran and zerg are equally Distributed in the Sense that their AVG mmr are the Same. Thats a fact. Nothing wrong with it. Zerg has a lower Population there but they still AVG Out to the Same average mmr.

Meaning the distribution based on their League is the Same as t.

Which is a very important Observation. Because you claimed that Picking z for Low Level Players would be better. In fact its Not better. Its the Same.

And with the Same group is ofc bottom 50% of the Playerbase. A very significant amount of Players…

Isnt that interesting that Bronze to gold its Like 40% terran and idk 22% zerg and they still have nearly the Same mmr ?

It’s not 50% of the player base. You’re not splitting them by population. You’re splitting them by MMR.

Oh my oh my. You realize that Bronze to gold is 50% of the Population ?

You actually didnt know that ?

So yes… I actually Split Them by Population. And also by mmr because the cutoff between bottom 50% and top 50% is high gold Low Plat.

You didnt realize that ?

This isn’t the point being made, though.

a- If you look at all players, avg Terran mmr is low
b- If you look at top 50% of players, Terran population is playerbase relative low, but their mmr ranges/average is not.
c- If you look at bottom 50% of players, avg Terran mmr lags significantly less than when looking at overall population, to the point that it’s fairly parallel to Zerg.

What that means is that (for some reason), there’s a very unusually large number of players who play Terran that are bad; and that an less unusual, but still oddly low, number of players who play Terran that are good.

That said, I do agree -

This isn’t really a good piece of evidence because it doesn’t line up with the other basic idea that to some extent, the MMR distribution of players should be fairly even - so we should not actually see a “33%” racial distribution at higher MMRs, because the population is not 33-33-33; off the top of my head it’s something like 40-33-27.

While it is reasonable to say that the dedicated and therefore high MMR players will be more willing to try every race and figure out which one they actually like the most, since they’re no longer constrained by game mechanics hard issues; it should still be close to the population marks, and being nearly 20% different from the population distribution is an obvious and immediate outlier.

We should not see that sort of deviation from a sample size that large.

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you all still here crying and whining like babies about terran mmr. lol yall need to get a life, if this game causes you all this much greif is it even worth playing anymore for you?

you are like poison to this forum. I wish they would ban you again

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if you dont like what i have to say you can leave the forums. Have you seen this entire thread, its nothing but terrans whining and crying. If these terrans here actually put that amount of time into honeing their skills instead of crying on the forum, they might actually get better at the game. Instead they want to come here cry and whine and what does it even get them. NOTHING but more anxiety from arguing the pointless topic. Half of this post is just two people aguing back and forth over the dumbest of points ever made. Again, not my problem your rear end hurts from stating facts.

The Higher the League the closer it is to 33% each. Terran still Leads every League but Not by a Huge margin.

And the Idea why it shouldnt be 33 for each is rather new to me since it was pretty logical that terran Just got the Most new/Casual Players (they dont do worse AS they have the Same avg mmr but there are simply more) and the Higher it goes the closer it should be at 33% which is actually what we are seeing. Except for gm.

But still, we have the Same avg mmr for t and z too for top 50%.

It might Not be the best Argument or completly flawless but its much more sensible than: Look at the avg mmr across the whole Population (ignoring that the races are Not equally popular, especially Not in lower leagues) and crying about terran is so much Harder only because there are way more Bronze and silver Players (because this is what its based on…the avg mmr in bottom 50 percent is the Same but there are more terrans meaning they drag down the whole AVG mmr of terran). Its a self fulfilling Prophecy.

You could also leave the forum nobody likes you. As I said you are poison to this forum. This is about you!


how am i a poison for stating the obvious. again not my problem you get a hurt about facts.

There are no facts in what you write, only insolence.

fact 1, the same 3 people have been arguing in this entire thread. Fact 2 every other terran thread made this last week has had the exact same three people arguing the same exact point in all the threads. Fact three, its absolutely pointless argument that there arguing. Fact 4 your rear end is hurt and its not my problem. Fact 5 if these same terrans spent as much time playing the game as they do here on the forums they would get far better than they are. Fact 6 im proving you wrong yet again. Fact 7 Arguing these pointless arguments there making isnt gonna get them anything but more game anxiety. Fact 8 If a game is giving you this much greif you should not be playing it.

Thank you, have a nice day, and dont let the door hit you on the way out.

You really don´t get it do you. This is about you not about the Terran players. It’s easy to click on your name and see your activity history. you are rude to others and think you know better than others.

I’m a Protoss player by the way.

i dont care what race you play. and again stateing the obvious is not being rude. If you dont like what i got to say all you got do is ignore it.