Favorite SC1 Campaign/Mission and Why

The mission where you got to kill Duke and Fenix.

Its like “Can I not kill them?” when I was younger Its like a sinking feeling but after I played on SC:R I was like it was good for the story.


Favorite mission is Eye of Storm last mission in vanilla SC.

But I prefer “the Stand” BW Protoss campaign over “the Fall” vanilla campaign.

I enjoy the UED campaign a lot. But I gave slight edge to BW Protoss campaign because some of the terran v terran missions in the UED campaign are tedious. Tanks on the high ground, spider mine traps, ghost locking down all your mech so you can’t even just mass battlecruiser it. Emperor’s fall is particularly tedious with how fortified the dominion is. Sometimes I cheese that mission with like 2-3 groups of wraiths and just snipe the command center.

BW in particular was meant to be full of long map crawls. I think its kind of telling of the different styles that assaulting Augustgrad in BW was one mission, while assaulting it in HotS was four, not counting the prep work missions in either case.

It was three right? Landing, Psi Destroyer and Final mission. Unless you count the tragic evolution mission, where you stomp the car.

I honestly cant remember what i was thinking of as the fourth mission. I may have just been thinking three and completely brainfarted.

Adding to my original “Emperor’s Flight” choice, one thing I did several times as a kid was turn the power overwhelming cheat on, and kept dragging a bunch of Zerg into the Protoss base. The AI can’t kill each other with the cheat on, so the Zerg and Protoss would just be attacking one another forever.

Once I felt that enough Zerg was brought over to the Protoss base (like 200+ units), I turned the cheat off and just watched the carnage unfold. The Zerg usually won cause even when the cheat was on, they were still able to lower the Protoss’ shields.

Either the first one where you get Infested Kerrigan. It’s Kerrigan and some reavers to start out with and they let you build a Protoss and a Terran base iirc.

Or the secret mission where you get dark archons. That one is so fun.

The one on the snow map? where you have to bring Kerrigan to a crystal?

You only get a protoss base on that one.

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The snow map yes. Right it’s only a terran base then.

Yeah the mission is called Quest for the Uaj on the planet Braxis.

The mission after that the Battle of Braxis where you have to beat the UED blockade is pretty unique mission. Part of me finds it very tedious . But I appreciate the uniqueness of the mission, as it is very much a puzzle type map, where you have to use the right strategy for each section.


Right. The worst is spawn broodling on Fenix.

I cant even bring myself to do it. Poor guy deserves and honest fight.

That’s how I’ve usually taken him out.

Classic Zerg players.

For the Swarm. 202020

Fenix was the true hero of vanilla Starcraft. Tassadar gets a ton of well deserved credit for his heroic sacrifice to slay the Overmind but it would not have been possible without Fenix . How so?

Well on Char though Tassadar survived his forces got wiped out by Kerrigan. Tassadar on executor show up on Auir, and the Conclave is ready to arrest him. Yet you get a huge base and plenty of starting resources to fight the conclave. What is the reason for this? It’s because Fenix sides with Tassadar . Fenix had so much respect and clout among the Protoss, he was able to sway a significant amount of khali to fight against the conclave.

Without Fenix, Tassadar and Zeratul are dead, Raynor too probably (maybe conclave would give him 1 chance to leave), and any assault on the Overmind or it’s cerebrates would have failed.

I mean, the Duke fight isn’t much better. One Hydralisk under a dark swarm is just mean.

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To Slay the Beast, beating that for the first time was a real pleasure as it’s arguably the hardest mission in all of SC1. To Chain the Beast is tons of fun every time I play it as well.