He’s a walking case of badass, but what lines do you like the most?
I personally like:
We held… think not of the cost.
Fight them in the field or we will be fighting them at home
Fire the missiles! FIRE AGAIN! FIRE THEM ALL!
We do what we must… unleash the zerg.
Kerrigan: Uses immobilization wave
Mengsk: I deserve some credit for your current capabilities.
Me: Mengsk the only thing you deserve from her is a slow and painful death.
The troopers have some pretty cool line too:
“If you can’t leave it, love it”
“Empire’s behind me”
“There will be minimal casualties”
—Protoss reaver obiliterates a dozen troopers with one scarab
“at least youre using it for something besides the cantina!”
to Raynor, when he uses the Hyperion.
This one nearly killed me in game
I mean
“Hey I’m not expendable” is probably the best trooper voiceline.
Kerrigan started it by killing Mengsk’s whole family by decapitation, including little sister
Kerrigan’s revenge was for Mengsk’s revenge lol
Whenever workers say “Empire’s right behind me” I sometimes mistaken it as “Vampires right behind me”.
When Raynor uses the Hyperion, he also says something to the effect of “Be careful with MY ship jim”
I love his quotes, but I do lament the loss of the iconic, “I will rule this sector or see it burn to ashes around me!”
They really should have found a way to squeeze in that line somewhere in Coop.
I’m sad to see that there aren’t any lines between, or even referencing, Mengsk from Miss Traitor Davis and Donny “Peanut Butter hugger” Vermillion.
It doesn’t really work with Mengsk as playable, because his whole thing is he’s using his charisma to fool dominion citizens.
Kinda hard to inspire hope when you’re shouting like a maniac.
“You men are the protectors of Humanity! Get out there and eliminate the enemy!”
“Men, our enemies are threatening the throne! Get out there and eliminate them!”
He can be inspiring and totalitarian. It just requires a good spin on lines is all.
Yes, but “I will rule this sector or see it burn to ashes around me!” is not inspiring and totalitarian. It’s openly hostile to the people, with no inspirational mask.
As far as Mengsk’s quotes go, the original is still the best: Coronation.