F2 and spylon tips

If your an f2 junky and like using spylons then here are some tips from broodwar.

  1. Use the ~ key in substitution for f2. Its faster and next to 1. This can remind you to use hotkeys and is actually good training.

In broodwar the 0 key is far so replacing it with ~ is a no brainer if you dont want to stretch far.

  1. In PVT instead of using a spylon around the perimeter of your base, consider warping a gas geyser.

Its cheaper, provides vision, you may use it latter if the game goes past mid-game, you don’t get supply blocked if terran unloads and destroys it.

Your welcome. I got called a hacker for whooping a terrans butt and when I reviewed the replay the dude had 0 hotkeys.

Dude had to manually cycle through marines stim, seige tanks and liberators with tab or control click to use all units abilities and is a 3300 rated diamond.

You know who you are, play like that with toss or zerg you wont get past bronze league (ever!). Only terran allows this pacifier weakass worth ethic and still reach diamond 3. Gl folks.