Experience the frustrations of TurtleCraft 2

I just had an IRL experience that analogizes well to the SC2 forums and this thread in particular. We have a host of cancer-spewing trolls, who haven’t even mentioned the topic, pouring into here spamming reports on the thread and derailing it with personal attacks while thinking I, the thread creator, am a “scumbag” and “troll” etc. It’s a severe lack of self awareness and an overt hostility that creates a hyper-projectionist attitude. It has hints of paranoia and jealousy, not to mention a clear lack of communication skills.

My family had a get-together and we played some Valheim. We were all mining copper and tin to upgrade our armor to level 3. Everyone was working hard on it and the copper was being stored in a chest next to the forge. It makes sense to do that, since it’s heavy and difficult for your character to carry it. So we were gathering it and storing it in a chest next to the forge. We ended up having a huge excess, like 80 bars or so. To upgrade a single item to level 3 it takes 12. 80 bars could do two fulls sets of armor.

Well anyway one guy was mining and placing it into a different chest because he was afraid people would “steal” his copper. It was inadvertently moved to the chest closest to the forge to make it easier to use. He thought people were stealing his copper which is why he had it in a different chest to start with. He kept mining and mining well on into the game after everyone else had moved on to other things. I guess he just liked mining. Nope, he was sitting there stewing and about to boil over about how everyone was stealing his copper when in reality he had stockpiled a massive quantity of it well in excess of what he needed. He eventually went on a passive-aggressive rant about how “at least he was being a useful member of the group since all my copper keeps being used” and then quit the game. I went and checked the chest and there were 80 bars.

There is an element of paranoia. He already assumed nobody could be trusted and that they’d steal from him. He didn’t bother to actually gather some facts to see if his theory was correct; it was correct without the need for facts. He didn’t have the IQ to imagine other possible explanations, nor did he have the IQ to ask people if they knew where some copper was that he could use. He didn’t know how to ask people, nicely, if they had used his copper and, if so, to help him gather some to replace the ones he had used. He just sat there stewing until he exploded and ruined the gaming experience for everyone around him.

That’s these forums in a nutshell. The people here legit need medication and therapy. You just can’t have a simple conversation about anything without these nuts pouring into a thread, spamming insults and flagging other peoples’ posts. The irony of it is they see themselves as being the good guy in the situation.

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you coudnt have explained it better. I dont understand who these psychos are in real life. Do they just blend into the crowd? Do we never meet them because they stay into their mother’s basements?

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Imagine posting walls of text every single day,for years,thousands and thousands of posts on multiple accounts,and still having the nerve to call others “trolls” HAHAHAHA


Trolls are people who post short snippets with no substance with the sole intent to attack another person personally. E.g. they don’t contribute anything useful to a conversation and are just there to be toxic. Please read up on the definitions of words before using them.

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He is right. 8 characters required

That’s a load of crap. I am a troll in certain situations (with manure posters like you and your ilk) and communicate normally will all the rest of the posters.
Only simple minds like you can be that pedantic and try to hide behind strict definitions. It’s purely empty sophistry.
If we were to be stupid enough to accept your “definition” than the only troll in this forum would be the famous Mr. Wap (bananalance).

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Oh wow, he fell into the same trap. Truly, a GOD amongst APEs.

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People that don’t argue in good-faith and BS their counterparts in this forum don’t deserve to be taken seriously. All they deserve is trolling.
And trolling you get.
Now, open a new account and begin liking your posts.


The problem is, sweetie, that losing an argument isn’t “my opponent argued in bad faith.” You lost the argument because you were wrong.

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Losing an argument it is not a big deal for me (and all sane human beings). I have a lot of cases of losing arguments to people and accepting the opponent’s arguments.
It’s a sign of immaturity (in the best of cases) and personality disorders (in your case) when somebody deludes himself that he is 100% right 100% of the time…
I have not lost any argument with you, MR:

  1. Being physically fit will save you if going under a bus.
  2. Skill=APM
  3. Information is everything that matters in SC2.

You are beyond delusional. You need serous medical help. Batz is right hence why he is getting so many likes while you must manually like your own posts.


the irony …

so, like Noregret? XD

We might like or not like him for a lot of things but nothing disqualifies him from being a Pro.
On the other hand not all Pro’s are the same. Some have connected their name to important shifts in meta or authorship of builds or strategies, some other are just fast moving finger apes.

and some cash in on the region lock. Ironically after 2015 is the best time for Batzy to go pro so he doesn’t have to be GSL level. Maybe he could be like Maxpax going from masters to 7k mmr in a matter of a few years!

Pics or it didnt happen.

Given that I can get 6k mmr with 1/100th the time investment it would probably be a month or two if I cared enough. I saw a game between Magnus Carlson and a random GM opponent. He did 7 nonsense turns, moving his rook back and forth, then won in under 30 seconds. I thought hmmm that sounds like fun. So I spammed nonsense builds to 5.5k mmr. I feel I could have gone higher but I made my point and lost interest. Anyway playing standard I could absolutely destroy those clowns first because I am very good at sc2 and second because I am a programmer and can make a host of training and data gathering tools that they couldn’t even dream of. I’ve dove head-first into many industries I wasn’t a professional in and, through the sheer power of computing, excelled better than the best of the professionals do.

For example, a buddy of mine was pouring concrete and it cracked and collapsed taking a garage with it. It was a risky move and there were good reasons why he had to do it the way that he did. I downloaded a concrete study database and was able to predict failure conditions much more accurately, allowing for a better mix of concrete and with my help we redid it and succeeded. Professionals with decades of experience were telling him it was a lost cause.

In the painting industry, automotive coatings are the most ludicrously difficult paint to work with. It takes a building with many tens of thousands of dollars in specialized equipment to just have a shot at making it work and even then problems abound and projects regularly have to be re-done or problems fixed at a later stage. One of the biggest challenges is the “flashing” of the paint. You have to add a solvent to the paint to thin it so it shoots out of a spray gun and you have to have a solvent for the monomers to be mobile for the paint to cure. You have to have enough thinner that the paint flows and levels out into a nice gloss, but not so much that it runs and this is HIGHLY dependent on many variables like humidity, surface temperature, room temperature, solvent saturation in the air. This is obviously super-simplifying just one challenge. I did some tests with some solvent, putting them into cups and measuring their evaporation rates under different conditions. I run a machine learning algorithm over the data to predict, given inputs about the room temperature etc, what the ideal solvent mixture was. I achieved absolutely mind blowing results. My cars look like a top-tier professional painted them as actual paint professionals have asked me where I got it done and were gobsmacked when I explained I did it myself in a garage. You ask any automotive paint professional and they will tell you there is a 0.0% chance an ordinary person could paint a car and make it look even half decent.

I could go on, and on and on. My stack of W’s is so flippin’ high I am running out of challenges in life to keep me occupied. Every year I become more and more bored. What will I take up next? Piloting? Maybe I will sail around the equator. Perhaps I will invest into another space startup. These kids wouldn’t stand a chance if I actually gave a crap about SC2.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
This clown has nothing that can’t achieve.
Maybe in the near future we will hear about BatZ Fusion Nuclear Reactors? The clown will operate the Reactor from his…basement.
Virtual illimitated source of clean and free energy.

Yes that is one of the things I have been thinking about getting into. Some researchers have likely found the first viable solution. The problem is that the magnetic fields are so strong it requires super conductors to generate them which have to be cooled to absolute zero. Room temperature super conductors exist, but they are very brittle. These guys figured out a way to manufacture a coil winding that produced an acceptable magnetic field without snapping the superconductor filament strands. They had an AI compute a way to wind the material without exceeding its strength while still achieving an acceptable shape for the coil. They built a machine to do the winding and then it built the coil and they tested it successfully. It will quite likely be the first viable nuclear fusion reactor. It cuts the size and energy requirements drastically. I am sure I could do better. I already check several of the requirement boxes. I’ve built production CNC machines from scratch to manufacture cutting edge AI designed products. It would be an application of already existing skills to a new field. I’ve never optimized magnetic coils before. I have optimized antennae before which is a very similar concept. I wanted to create a WiFi antenna that could transmit only to the area of my house and none of my neighbor’s houses. How do you shape the transciever such that it creates a non interfering waveform in the shape of your house? Good question. I have no idea. Let the computer figure it out.

Do something in healthcare. Shows doctors what’s what in a field that is hard to work in like psychiatry.

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