Even Korean Pro's are saying Terran are Imbalanced and OP

Harstem showcases a TvP game and even the Korean pro at the end claims the game is completely imbalanced against Protoss.

I’ve basically stopped playing this game till they nerf Terran.


Classic typed “dk” at the end of the video and i think he wanted to type “아” which is on the same keys on korean keyboard and it means “ah”. He just wanted to blame himself.

I mean why would you call out someone who retired years ago lol


This gotta be a joke right?


The current state of the game is Terran pwns zerg, zerg pwns protoss, protoss pwns terran. Basically back to brood war.

The fixes are simple imo. Cyclone should take 25% less damage from air attacks, mag stab should resarch faster. This would help against the battery ray, while keeping the ray viable in PvZ. Also help the cyclone vs heavy phoenix builds.

As for the PvT side of things. Nothing is more retarded than the mid game marauder parade. Giving the immortal it’s WoL hardened shield back would be a start (this would also allow immortals to engage lurkers against the zerg turtles).
and perhaps exploring a irreversible morph for adepts (requring a robo bay) that makes their glaives do +dmg vs armored instead (this would also help with the lurker turtles a little too).

ZvT…ultralisks should be spell immune. That’s the simple fix that allows zerg to smash bio parade terrans that transition to turtling (practically every pro ZvT game I’ve seen). Perhaps that will make them reconsider the non stop parades for the 20 minutes.

Tunneling claws should also be default once burrow is done and instead have an upgrade for the roach that spreads an aoe armor debuff (like devourers in brood war).


Clown… look at parting vs Clem. Historically Protoss has had the upper hand against Terran, what a clown statement from clowns like OP.

You are 70 APM, EPM even less, no one cares what you have to say that speaks about ur skill… carried to Diamond with so lacking moves. That’s protoss for you. And dare to say Terran is OP in TvP rofl.


Rocmeu you’re just a troll. I’ve already posted videos of how imbalanced the game is. You have NO argument on this. EMP dominates the game lately. Throw in interference matrix and anti-armor missiles just for fun.

I don’t even need to mention the OP widow mines. Throw all of these things together with mule spam that keeps up with Zerg’s income and you have the nerve to say that Protoss are OP?

Not feeding the troll anymore.


YOU ARE SAYING it bcoz you are a noob protoss with 70 apm… Terran is OP vs protoss? roflmao I dont see even some PPP making your absurdities. I saw how you cant even control your army right. Mine is trolling /ok/


Who care about what pros say?
They are a small group that don’t pay for the game (and rather they are the ones receiving money through it), while the money source for the game is a mass of noobs out there.
They thus may have opinions going very against those that can bring the most money in.

It’s not impossible to use such opinions, but it would require a lot more thinking and work, and I don’t think this game would be granted those.

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You are dumb.

Even thou WM are OP, and EMP actually drains shields and mana it doesn’t mean that Terran is OP. Contrary. Terran may be the best race of all three in the hands of Byun, Maru, Clem etc, but not in diamond LOL. Actually in Diamond league all you really need to beat terran is just force some mistakes. Poke with your stalkers early game, if terran forgets bunker it’s most likely GG, because they will have to withdraw their SCVs to main and lift CC before it gets destroyed etc. Fly hallucinated Warp Prism and they will freak out. Warp in few DTs (with actual Warp Prism) and spread them across the bases - guaranteed eco damage. In the end if anything fails you can still turtle behind forest of SKILL BATTERIES and get invincible golden armada and yollo.

Im positive you are trolling right ?

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Whats more hilarious if emp and wm not count stay on mmm till late game while even zerg do ultralisk to deal

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You do realize that Parting said Protoss was favored at every stage of the game, right? If you didn’t believe a Protoss player saying his race is OP, why would you believe a Protoss saying his opponent’s race is OP?


Classic said Protoss was weak during the blink era. You’d have to be delusion to take his word on balance.

the most imbalanced race saying they are the weakest is the best running joke of sc2


The most imbalanced race being Terran of course…it’s seriously sad how delusional you players are.

Not only do you have a better economy thanks to mule spam, you’re given all the tools to completely invalidate a Protoss army. EMP removes all casters (no storm, shields, shield batteries etc.) and Anti Armor missiles with interference matrix for Disruptors and Colossus. There is NO ARGUMENT! YET YOU TERRAN PLAYERS STILL COMPLAIN ABOUT IMBALANCE!

Seriously wtf is wrong with players…You have EVERYTHING you need to easily beat Protoss but you want more!


50% of gm isnt terran i know you guys just work harder when you have to press storm or a click void rays

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I tell you what’s wrong… if it happened as easily as you describe it, just spam EMP, AAM and auto win with 70 APM it may be OP. But that’s not what happens. What happens is either Terran loses early, Protoss goes carrier and all t he units you describe are meaningless if one doesnt train enough BC, and storms eventually can fall and terran bio army melts

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Protoss dominates Zerg pretty hard actually
P>T, P>Z

Shield Battery and Recall on Nexus have to be reverted back to Mothership Core.

outside of GM Z>T (in GM T>Z which is pretty funny state of affairs)

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Lol k revert it you get pylon overcharge every match

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I’d rather face Pylon overcharge push every second game rather than proxy SB-Void every second game and Blink “all-in” every game that is not proxy SB-Void.

OP is a sad joke.

Premier tournament wins so far in 2021

DH SC2 Masters 2020: Last Chance 2021
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Zerg

2021 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 1
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Protoss

IEM Katowice 2021
Winner: Zerg
RunnerUp: Protoss

2021 Global StarCraft II League Season 1: Code S
Winner: Zerg
RunnerUp: Terran

2021 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 2
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Protoss

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Summer: Europe
Winner: Terran
RunnerUp: Zerg

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Summer: North America
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Zerg

NeXT 2021 S1–SC2 Masters
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Zerg

2021 Global StarCraft II League Season 2: Code S
Winner: Zerg
RunnerUp: Protoss

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Summer: Season Finals
Winner: Zerg
RunnerUp: Terran

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall: Europe
Winner: Terran
RunnerUp: Zerg

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall: North America
Winner: Protoss
RunnerUp: Zerg

DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall: Season Finals
Winner: Zerg
RunnerUp: Protoss

Number of Premier Wins So far in 2021:
Protoss 6
Zerg 5
Terran 2

Number of 2nd Place:
Protoss 5
Zerg 6
Terran 2

Solid fact is

P > Z >>>>>>>>>>>>>> T