Error Code: 0x02000148

I decided to download Starcraft 2 on my 2020 Macbook Pro w/ 16GB RAM on i5. Tried to play the game while download was on the optimal setting but I get these error message, the game won’t launch! HELP


We don’t recommend playing Starcraft 2 before it completes its first installation. Let the game finish installing and see if it’ll work. If not, let us know what new error message you get.

After re-installing Mojave, it was impossible to play Starcraft 2 (I bought the game).
I can play it on my son’s pld MBP 2009, but not on a modern machine.
There is no problem with the complete download.
Logical CPU: 0
Error Code: 0x02000148
Trap Number: 133

Problem solved.
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