They aren’t that OP. Just a little bit OP. The problem is they’re also so easy a caveman with Parkinson’s could get GM with them while taking a nap and drinking a smoothie.
At least playing protoss has a beneficial use to society! Playing terran just turns you into sniveling baby, angry at the world, with an undeserved superiority complex. If Playing protoss is like anesthesia, then Playing terran is smoking crack under a bridge
Who wants to see Batman’s replays??? Let’s see how OP toss really is. Who wants to see him playing immaculately at a nearly pro player status, but getting beat by lowly Tossers. It’s time to see what this big, angry, tattooed has got. Put up or shut up!
Bruh bring replay here or what
Replays, replays, replays!
Drywall or plaster? You must have already known where the studs were tough guy.
Replays, replays, replays.
We want replays from the tattooed one.
Protoss is breaking game rules, and Blizzard is doing as blond mongol. The rule was allways you either go Expand, or Tech or Units. If xpu go Expand and/or Tech you die to rush. Nope, Protoss can go High tech expand and be safe with little to no units.
- for couple days, me and mate 2v2, both Zergs against Toss/Zerg. We went both ling rush on 2 base but second not saturated against toss who went expand, sim city batteries and double SG, Zerg went Banes, but we outplayed him so hi did nothing. We cannt do dmg to protoss, he didnt lost maybe single Probe, and produced VRs. He killed us both with mass air, while been super safe with baterries + Adepts
why u punch in your wall when u cant play the game on a high lvl? u never was semi pro- otherwise link your prize money earnings with links to the vod and bracket- otherwise u lie - mby u silver and want spread propaganda vs Protoss race
How do you know?
Oh so you didn’t outplay him
Yeah because you both built units that don’t shoot up…
Wow what a convincing argument…
My 2 cents to the discussion.
To say whether protoss is “OP” you have to divide comparison into two separate fields : tech (unit strength, dmg, abilites etc) and APM (mechanics)
Techwise - protoss is ABSOLUTELY NOT OP - both Terran and Zerg have answer for everything protoss throws at you - gateway units, robo, SG. Maybe only zerg cannot deal with HT - but that’s OK. HTs are supposed to eliminate infestors, vipers, etc.
Mechanically - protoss IS OP. 99 % of all games in plat/diamond range protoss has much lower APM than i have - sometimes ridiculously lower like 140 vs 57 APM (this is a joke). The reason to that is because toss has powerful and tanky units which range from 2-6 supply,whereas terrans and zergs mostly have fragile 1-3 supply units - this means that protoss has much less units to manage and thus has lower APM (there is nothing that can be done about it). Also “select all warpgates” button is unnecessary because protoss players like all other human beings have two hands so i think they can easily add those warpgates to control groups right ? Also automatic gateway -warpgate transformation also makes it too easy for protoss because again this can be done manually.
- Invents some BS
- Screechs that his opponents don’t play like the clown wishes them to.
Last terran strategy.
Lol not sure about last there always something more
Poxy void ray is broken AF and Disruptor is not a fair unit to play against.
Speaking of Disruptor, I thought a lot about it and I think a fair change would be to instead of killing units it would put them into stasis like a stasis trap. Thus it won’t be able to destroy opponent army in a split second, but would still do its job of an area denial unit.
Regarding 4 Gate Blink, I’m not competent enough to say whether its OP or not.
APM is poor indicator because it includes staff like building units which protoss obviously does much much less
That would be balanced if the Radius of AOE would be equal with Ghost EMP, duration of Stasis would be 13 seconds and the units affected by Stasis were able to take full damage from the rest of the Protoss army.
Disruptor hit (Stasis) now is instant.
I like your proposal.
Ah i forgot, Disruptor now affects ground AND air.
Babaplatinumyagagobafelix another account. Naaaaaaajs
I’m overwhelmed by the sheer amount of negativity you spew on Terran players. Disgusting. You are a negative Nancy
Same as terran create negative against protoss
Just take a look at BeastyQT channel in youtube, in his recent video he lost to proxy void that he scouted, he was almost crying. Or Bunny vs - same reaction.
Except regular people had it worse because they don’t have APM and multitask of progamers. And even progamers can’t deal with cheese that takes 30 APM to execute that they have scouted.
Spotted not means auto win second part you must know optimal way to defend that without that you lose no matter pro or not