Emp for tanks in tank mode?

I thought tanks would be a good place to put a “ghost emp alternative”, ghosts would of course maintain their emp,

it would make tanks less of a sacrifice when naturally countered, and in team-games it would help against void-balls, , often void-ball automatically wins against a player who opted for any tanks at all, and they would be more useful in the late game also (4v4).

after thinking about that for a while I thought it would also be good to have a round for tank mode that counters zerg as well, as lings are a bane of tanks in the open, , I thought a gravel/dust blast that eliminated the benefits of creep for units in the effect area would be nice, or perhaps just slowed bio units altogether, affecting zealots and mm ,

I got an alternative idea: just a mega nuclear missile that has a blast radius of half the map and deals 5000 hp. It costs 1 mineral, build time 1 second, and is built from the command center.I know it will still be tough and require the well known insane Terran micro, but maybe it will be enough for Terrans to win.


And just in case you are serious… Why dont you build marines with stim? they counter void rays hard. Thors also could work i would guess.

And yes you got to scout what the enemy is building.

Sorry, seriously? Not British satire?

Ah… Do you like Frostmourne? The powerful sword?

I really want to get a frostmourne when I was a kid. But… I find something when I can understand a little English.
Frost-mourne. Mourne…It sounds like…Eh… And Frost…Frost…sounds like…Eh… Frost-mourne…No…

I need Fawn-Weston. I think it’s better. Pretty sure that Blizzard won’t give me a frostmourne. Thanks, I don’t need it, thanks…

i am very confused, i dont understand anything about this post, here is what i got out of it.

give tanks the emp spell from the ghost to help with void balls.

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What is that? Another translation mistakes?

I got the mean.

So you want a buff to tanks that would remove their biggest weakness? No thanks.

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