Eastern US Server?

Hey so some one brought up over in tech support part of the forums he couldnt log in to the eastern us server. Leviathin replied back saying there was only central and west, which if you look right now thats it. Now I just discovered these setting like the last two weeks and i could of swore i seen eastern us which is my area so i chose that cause the ping was only like 15ish. now i asked him when they shut down the us server and he did his work and asked the higher ups when it got shut down and there saying it never existed. Now he said he thought he remembers the us east server as well.

Which is where we are now, so the question is, is there or was there a eastern us server. is this a mandella effect… or is this just us possibly remembering sc1 server choices… anyone else know anything. This is for just pure curiosity here not to like upstage anyone or prove anyone wrong but yeah anyone know whats up.

Yes, Eastern US server was online yesterday. Today seems to be gone

Real question is, bug or cutting servers down?

It is all a bit strange, I agree. Even with the two IPs for SC2, I have a vague memory of there being an Eastern option in the selector. Later in the thread, someone posted a pic of the selector and Eastern was there, thus confirming my memory of it.

There’s all sorts of questions: Did it exist at one time but was moved/consolidated later on? Was the option in the selector misnamed or a place holder? Was it not a proper server but instead a routing option to Central? Was it a redundancy for Central? Was it a temporary server to accommodate an xpac’s capacity surge that’s finally been taken down now that it’s not need anymore?

Whatever the case, there obviously was something that related to an Eastern server at some point in the past.

I asked TS if they wouldn’t mind looking into it a little deeper. Seeing it’s just me asking them to take time away from their usual tasks, they may or may not do it. If they do, what they find out may be a lot, or a little, or nothing.

But if they turn up anything (that I can speak publicly about), I’ll post back here.

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its really weird considering it was there in the last two weeks. I knew i wasnt crazy and seen it. But seriously what happened to it is the real mystery. The fact that you were told it didnt exist and it obviously did is even more conscerning. They have already shut down other servers in other parts of the country in the past. Maybe they are just going to slowly shut down sc2. Would be a bit odd considering sc1 still has servers. kinda sucks it did, cause that was my best ping,

Remember that it also mean “it was there last year”. Lots of changes can be operated for various reasons in the days between the end of one year and the beginning of another.

Maybe showing TS the screenshot would help.

Also, the disappearing server could be related to the latest issue of the default three commanders being un-owned by some people, such as me.

(If it is a Mandela Effect, then universes are merging inconsistently.)

Good news all. The Eastern server should be back online!

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