Congratulations you made the 9865324732th terran whine post !
I meant effectivity per mineral across P/T/Z.
Skill is the best CON for zerg. On the second place - harass. Very-very harass, i suppose. And AOE damage like liberators, disruptors, siege tanks.
Missile turret
0.393 dps per mineral
2.5 health per mineral
Spore crawler
0.195 (0.39 against biological) dps per mineral
3.2 Health per mineral
DPS uncalculable
4 Health per mineral
Spine Crawler
0.126 (0.151 against armoured unit) dps per mineral
2 Health per mineral
Photon cannon
0.149 dps per mineral (can attack both ground and air)
1 Health + 1 Shield per mineral
All of those are not counting armour in calculation.
I think we don’t need to say anymore but to look at their in-game performance to judge for ourselves. Zerg’s static is sh*t in SC2. They are mobile but that’s it.
I see. Zerg can do with something extra in the field of static-defense. Thank You for taking the time to do the calculations.
The Zerg are specifically designed not to turtle in SC2 and other races are boosted in their offensive power so it is intelligently designed to illustrate it much better.
If Zerg can both defend well and expand fast, they will be utterly broken and no one would bother debating whether they are balanced or not. However, clearly they are not.
just looking at that first post… i guess youre terran player, right?
- Zerg has to keep injecting the whole game into the lategame.
Protoss and terran macro needs less attention as the game progresses freeing up some time to micro and move the army.
- Zerg players must be able to count.
Terran and protoss because of their linnear way of producing army they don’t have to count to know when to build army and when workers. You just count your buildings that you need to put down and produce from them all the time.
Zerg players must count their workers depending on what is coming to them to know how long they can keep up agression with their current worker count.
zerg cons can’t make evolved units from eggs, you have to make them individually, granted making straight banes, lurkers and so on from hatch will break the game but this is still a fact to be considered ingame, if you have the time to make the evolved forms or need to attack right meow
and i am fine with that
lower structure count in baserace scenarios usually unless zergs masses crawlers, the streamlined production of zerg units don’t let them mass up spawning pools and so on like terran and protoss, also overlords despite giving supply don’t count as structure, ovies are great for scouting but bad due to anit air vulnerability
also fine in my book
early game wall option limited due to creep+building mechanic
yet again for balance sake and uniqueness of race its fine
biggest con for zerg is unable to get flier upgrades prior to building a spire, while terran and protoss theoretically can get armor and attackupgrades relitivly easy zerg is lacking in that regard
not sure about that though … but for the most part fine due to larva unit production
hm another con zerg has no way of upgrade most of the strcutures in terms of armor, shield or range, sure queens inherit the attack and cara-upgrade but photon cannons, turrets and planetary fortresses don’t take up supply
on the other hand queens are mobile and structure platening is in most cases just researched to bolster the defending position, in most cases that upgrade is neglected, highsec sees more often usage here for turrets, fortresses and rarely autoturrets
how is broodlords in that scenario questionable? cons here i think is the high cd on sh, not sure if the high damage those locusts can and will dish out balance the fact though
don’t like the hosts for that high cd and the lacking option to spawn locusts in ground mode thus limiting the life time of locusts by a small portion, on the other side they can breach over clifffs or transverse from low to highground
isn’t that the same point? also bio has the most potential of sustained high damage output in combination with stim and medivacs which offsets the initial hp invested into stim and makes bio more durable, it comes down to control of each player to suppress the healing of medivacs or saving that unit
compared to ultralisks or carrier, bc are in early game situations far more dangerous due to native 3 armor and the ability of warping anywhere on the map without vision, also they lost the energy bar a long time ago so bc don’t die to feedbacks like in the dark days of old, so the high cost is justified, not to mention the impressive pain they can dish out while moving
I didn’t said zealots only. Just zealots as frontline are very good. Early and midgame for both tanking dmg and kills as a no gas requirement unit and in late game just more as cannon fodder to tank dmg.
I would say ultralisks are ultimate tier 3 zerg units not the brood lords. Also as a zerg you can make any units from larvas so you need just mass hatcheries and one tech building so zerg army is supposed to be a little weaker than other races however it doesn’t seems to be.
it’s not a cons, it does allow you to produce any units you want. If you just use all larvas to produce workers while enemy is coming is just bad decision making not a imbalance or cons of the larvas.
not true - as above its supposed to be but its not
did i lied? no? so whats the problem? maybe if you are that smart you will give us some real zerg cons if there are any???
The only cost efficient units are hive tech, sh, and infestor
So literally half of tier 2 and all tier 3 units?
more like 1/3 of t2 units. The thing is if zerg lategame had terrible cost efficiency, it would be bad. Midgame efficiency should be bad though due to zerg production
yeah… a lot of terran buildings for good macro are no gas intensive.
Why bother replaying to someone who has not enough sight over the game?
I somehow guessed it was a typical Terran whining thread just by the title. I amaze my handsome self.
Zerg pros: easier army building and remax and easier/fastest counter units building
cons: fragile early units
prostoss pros: many ways to make ez A move low APM wins, many ways to A move
cons: more expensive if you lose a lot blindly, no wait then y ou can spam zealot that also save you from losing
Terran pros: yes we have invincible Marine that shoot carrier u mad?
cons: the easiest race to lose as (i mean HM said some things, if you dont have a certain build order that does everything right all falls apart, his words i.e least forgiving race to mess up)
we no this terran have no cons becuse they need 2 work 4 winz not steal like zerg and protons
terran pros r maru innovention gummyho and other
I’ld like to add things on your list if you may:
Zerg pros:
- quick spawnable units
- cheap expendable units
- huge map vision
- best race at sorrounds
- best spellcasters of the game
Zerg cons:
- units regenerate slower than other races
- has lavae as one more resource to worry about
- weak off creep
Protoss pros:
- can hide your builds better than any race
- worker don’t lose much mining time when building
- warp in mechanics
- can recall
Protoss cons:
- slow transition, transition is too gas dependant
- buildings dependant of pylons to power
- bad at sieges
- slow moving army
- terran’s EMP can remove shields (almost 40% hp of all army)
- too much dependant on upgrades
Terran pros:
- good at sieges
- strongest damage output of all races
- best anti air of all races
- the best race to harass
- can macro without looking at base
Terran cons:
- too much fragile, vulnerable to AOE
- can lose your army in seconds
- siege is vulnerable to sorrounds
Protoss pros:
70 apm to GM