Dt dead in early game due to raven buff

Don’t bother opening dts vs terran. It’s just terrible. the terran player has to be just outright TERRIBLE to lose to a dt rush it’s actually not even viable anymore due to scans costing only 50 energy. Raven cost receiving a buff and on top of that turrets. Just a warning to the lower league protoss players. Dt’s are terrible in early game.

Nah you have time till 5 minute to do dt open witch 2 base

i always think scans are OP , 50 spell points , give me a break . see all my units for nothing .

tell me , who is gonna waste gass on a raven , when for only mineral you can have coustome 10 + supply + detection ?

Dt even being visible hits very hard drop 4 off hit and run tactics. Range that they can be picked up makes them deadly.

Even if they aren’t invisible still does massive damage