Drag click formations + Remove unit hotkey

I been playing Beyond All Reason and Age of Empires. I would like a button to remove unit from selection. Shift L click usually to do it. Additionally I would like to see R Click Drag formations in this game for quality of life.

What do you guys think? I would like to see it!

theres no development, you arent getting custum buttons. gl hf

Ohhh Dont be like that man! I can dream!

You can dream all you want, doesnt mean it will be reality, fact is there is no development for sc2, so no you will not get no custom buttons. Besides you can do both just by assigning the right hotkeys in game as well as out of game with most keyboards and mice.

What do you mean with remove a unit from the selection? It is already there. Shift + click on the unit removes a single unit from the list and then you can bind/rebind it or Shift + CTRL + click removes all units of that type from the bind.

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That technically already exists in the game. If you have a hotkey with units inside, you can either shift+click individual units you don’t want in the control group and then rebind the control group without those units, or control+click an entire unit type out and rebind it.

It sounds complicated, I promise you it’s very simple in execution.

Also sc2 has control-group stealing in the game. It’s dependent on how you bound your hotkeys for certain actions, but you can select units that are in one control group and bind them to another - it will automatically take them out of the 1st control group and put them in the 2nd one. Again though, it depends on how you’ve bound your “Create control group (#) and take away units” keys.

So, that isn’t exactly what I mean. I am talking about pressing one button to remove one unit from the selection, like AOE has. It helps a ton! The drag formations are new to me, and I love them from Beyond all Reason. Activision can do it. UI and code aren’t impossible with this question, perhaps just 7 bars of code. I see it as a quality of life improvement for all three races.

For Zerg, it will help with surrounds.

For Protoss, it will help with spread.

For Terran, it will help with setting up formations with tanks.

All in all, I think it’s a good idea to have in the game and is reasonable. It’s not like they are not a billion-dollar company with no resources. It isn’t a start up. It isn’t like a guy cannot pick up a phone and hire a contractor to add this QOL addition.

Except you dont seem to realize one thing dude, there is no development for sc2 and again you can hotkey button combos for exactly everything you want to do as everyone has told you already

This is more for formations of overlords and Zergling running formations. After playing bar and being introduced to drag R click formations. I was like SC2 Needs this too. It helps set up with tank formations too.

Also before the other guy springs up. I know this game isn’t being developed no more. But they said Diablo was coming to mobile and that was Booed to oblivion until a PC release was a thing.

But I learned how to remove and add units n such.

What I am asking for is a hotkey so I can remove a unit from a selection to spread overlords better.

That’s… not actually what happened. We already knew D4 was being developed, but that day they announced Diablo Immortal, and then absolutely royally pissed everyone off with their treatment of the entire franchise’ community on top of the already negative reception of a pay to win mobile game, they got “What, you don’t have mobile phones?” rather than, “We know you were looking forward to D4, we’re releasing this in the interim as D4 has been delayed.” Which would have been taken much better.

Shift click the unit out of the selection.

You box a selection, move them to where you want them to go, then shift click a unit out and change the order.

The one that got removed retains the previous order while the ones still selected get the new order.

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which again can also be bound to specific hotkey of your choosing via the game or keyboard hotkeys through your pcs software.

Sure, but why does it need to be; it’s already in the game and really doesn’t take a lot of effort to do. You’re literally adding an extra button when the functionality is already in the game that serves the same purpose. If you want to bind the keys to a specific one via a keyboard, do so.

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I know its simply, but im just saying that it can be done, cause so far look how the original poster already acted. he wanted to sit here and nitpick everyones post first all to keep saying he wanted it to be a specific hotkey, well guess what, it can be done. Trust me, shift clicking a unit is much easier than going in and hotkeying that specific combo to a mouse or keyboard button, but to clarify it for the op, it can be done so there is no need for him to keep asking for it to be hotkeyed and developed by blizzard for him specifically when it already exist.

What is that action called?

I found this on the old website of guys trying to do what I want in the game. They got a working system for single player but not work for multiplayer without a camera jump.

As for right click drag select, that is something I still want to see in the game. It is so cool and right click drag doesn’t have a function in the game unlike COH or something similar. Perhaps it can be in sc3 ? It is a nice QOL for future RTS.