Double tap achievement

How do you guys have enough army to destroy two void shards in 9 mins??? Seems too difficult as the shards are heavily defended? Thanks.

You don’t want to attack the 1st shard too early; instead, you should assemble a decent force and then rush both shards in the last 2 minutes.
Make sure to add DTs — they will shreck any opposing forces near the shards.
And when you kill the 1st shard, approach the 2nd, use Timestop, and focus fire the shard only.

Assemble a big enough army and make sure you have time stop to rush the second shard. That should be enough to net the achievement.

I used:

  • Centuriun (Stun), Stalker (Shield regen Blink), Sentry (Shield regen), Dark Templar(AoE), Annihilator (for shards)
  • Solar Lance, Orbital Assimilator, Shield Overcharge, Reconstructive Beam, Time Stop
  1. You should have easy Gas with the Assimilators, mass up some good economy and wait out the first 2-3 waves of enemies
  2. built a dark shrine /2-3 Gateways
  3. First Shrine I did with Gateway units and 3x Lances on the Void shard - Dark Templar´s AoE Cleans up mobs very well.
  4. Get a few more units /Annihilators and go for the 2nd Shard with Overcharge/Timestop And you should have enough uninterrupted time to kill the second shard.