Double-Edge Mutation

I was playing the map where you have to clear out infestations during Day/Night, now i personally like Terran and my main Commander is:
Raynor (lvl15)
Prestiege 1(Unlocked once for bio buff & -Mule)
30 Mastery pts.

On this infestation map i usually go Siege barricades for my party for all 4 cracks.
I stumbled upon this mutation just now after getting to a point where brutal felt too easy so i changed it to brutal+.

Siege-Tanks is basically a death sentence for yourself, even with medics.
Marines with the prestiege health boost seemed like an option but they too die like ants with a big wave.

Im only left with the thought of going mass researched Vulture mines cuz they don’t spend on direct unit hp.

How do you guys deal with this mutation as Raynor specifically?

Early marines with medic support for the first minutes. Then, vulture spider mines. Turrets vs air waves. Maybe this is when P3 should be used. BC should be able to fight for a while without dying instantly - using some micro here and there - if needed. But yeah, vultures + BC seems like and ok idea, since the mutator counters heavily the high damage, relatively low HP units of Raynor. And of course, never stim.

Sometimes commanders just don’t work with certain mutations. With that being said, if you are asking how to deal with it as P1 Raynor, you pretty much have to go bio only with bunkers to defend at night if you want. If what you say is true about tanks, you pretty much can’t make them. BCs could work too, but that kind of ruins the purpose of running P1. Get marauders and firebats to defend your marines, they are so tanky


Hmm this is the part I don’t quite understand. Siege tanks are great for holding the nights. My usual line is:

  • Depots
  • Turrets
  • Tanks

If you are having difficulty cause the depots drop too fast, use 1-2 CCs instead since they are tanky-er and have a larger surface area for repairs.

I am usually dealing with Double-Edged by picking Zagara or Stukov instead of Raynor.

Other Commanders may or may not do things more efficiently against some mutations sure, but that’s not the issue here. I literally WANT to tackle it with Raynor, never was the kind of player to back down because others do it better.

Everytime the siege-tanks shoot they take damage, you can heal them up with medics but eventually you will lose more than you kill. I didn’t lose early with them, but mid to late game i slowly started to lose my tanks and bunkers cuz of self-dmg.

With the enemy pressure being extremely high, medics wont have any energy left to heal and eventually stop healing.

As someone who plays a lot of Swann on brutal+, I can indeed say that sieged up tanks are usually a bad idea with double edge. You could always try having a few SCV’s around as well to heal, but with Raynor having increased attack speed I doubt they could keep up much better. Best bet as usual for most mutator maps is try to clear earlier, so you don’t have as many infested pushing your base at nights for you to contend with.

Your tactic on this map is incorrect. While your usual “stay back and defend” works for Brutal, you really have to rethink if you want to jump to Brutal+. In this case, don’t wait until N3 begins to finish the game. And the only way to do that is actively push out without wasting time sitting back.

How to deal with Double Edge? Your aim here as Raynor is to deal enough damage for their cost worth. No amount of medics will help without compromising the overall dps. So still have some but definitely focus on continuous production of bio.

I entirely disagree with going anything beyond bio. While spider mines sound like a great idea, you’re using P1. So that severely hinders your economy. Mines are heavily reliant on a strong economy, and without MULEs you simply can’t divert that resource. It is due to this hindrance as P1, your bio DPS ramp is already far slower, so going Mech/mines of any kind would further slow you down.

The only thing I can say here - people that love suffering deserve to get what they want.

I get what you mean but every commander is able to handle most maps and mutations. Some just do it easier without using brains. Raynor requires more APM and planning to reach the same efficiency which im ok with. I opened this thread to get more perspectives.

He means with the Double Edged mutator. Siege Tanks have 160 HP and do 35 dmg a shot (to non-armoured, like infested). So they’ll kill themselves in about 5 shots. Fewer when you add in the ‘area’ damage that occurs. So you’d need medics/SCVs constantly healing them. The heal-back over time is not fast enough to keep up with the DPS+Area dmg. And if it does take a very good shot at a clump of infested (like 5 standing near each other, as they always do), it’s insta-death for the tank.

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Ah my bad. I see, thanks for pointing out.

Hmm, I think a key question to ask would be who is the ally? It’s interesting since the question is specifically about using Raynor for this map on this mutation.

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It definitely will affect OP’s Raynor player. I think his approach is wrong. P1 + Double Edge already puts him at a fairly big disadvantage. His redeeming quality is the bulkier bio that won’t die as quickly. So it’s important to take advantage of the first 3 days while infested isn’t as many.

If he chooses to not finish the map fast, P1’s lack of MULE translates to lack of sustainability. So if he matches with an ally that is remotely his skill level, it’s game over.

In terms of his ally though, just naming a few. He will benefit easiest from Stetmann’s HUGS heal. HH or Mengsk’s quick bombardment to finish. Or perhaps matching his style, Swann or Karax to fill those defensive gaps (to allow him to take his time and roll out).

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Just fly Raynor CC away from the map and everything solve … unless your allies are toss and zerg :stuck_out_tongue:

Assuming no allies and no double eco, i do not see any way for Raynor P1 to win against “Double edge”. Other better players may think of a way but not for me.

The single redeemable quality of P1 in comparison to P0 is its tougher bio. Meanwhile, P1 is worse at almost everything else. MULE is God mode.

Healing, repairing, replacing dead units are P0’s fortes. Using P1 against a mutation that wears out your army like Double Edge is the same as thrusting a knife into ur p-hole before running a marathon.

To even winning this mission as p1 the only approach is cutting down the source of infested before thing go south but I don’t see you have the dps or the army to do that. The main reason is because this is P1 not P0. You do not have the dps or number to kill fast enough without losing them.

What happens to Blaze in Double-Edged vs infested? Once he has the chaining fire upgrade and it burns along a line of infested, I assume it kills him very quickly.

I was literally about to suggest that. I ended up doing that as Nova P3 with one weekly mutation because I could not get anyone to play it with me. They kept leaving when they saw I was someone other than Karax or Swann.

I really should get around to leveling Karax.

Just go p0 and not stim. Your p1 bioball isn’t holding entrances not because of Double Edged but because you don’t have the dps growth that p0 can offer.

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