Don't read this - it's bad

So, my question is, how are we meant to play this game? We can play ‘normally’ and lose games to cheesers, or cheese ourselves and receive death threats. Lose lose. Do something else.

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However you like.

You can make builds that don’t lose to cheeses and reactively use scouting information to determine what the correct course of action is.

I’m not going to say that that’s easy or trivial because it isn’t, but it’s what you ‘should’ be doing if you are able to do. The basic thing that distinguishes most cheeses is that you do it with no information, before it’s reasonable to acquire any information.

As per the Blizzard ToS, users that are this lacking of manners should be reported so that moderation staff may suspend their privileges.

My personal suggestion, if this is an actual problem, is two-fold: First, change your privacy settings such that you can’t be sent messages except from friends, second, just start muting the opponent(s) during the first minute. There’s usually enough ‘free’ time to do that.

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Memento mori is latin for Remember you must die. Life is precious and how you spend it matters. Your life doesn’t matter to anyone else. You lash out and they laugh and forget about you moments later. It matters only to you what you do with your time. Spend it wisely on the things that matter. What matters? That’s the question you have to ask yourself. Why are you here, doing what you are doing? Answer that question and you’ve discovered the key to happiness.

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yall need to stop worrying about people messaging you after the game or in game. who cares what they say. Its usually something not intelligent anyways, so why worry so much about it. Even if you get supposed death threats or what ever who cares. not like the keyboard warriors gonna come find you over a match in sc2. Seriously, do you know how lame you sound right now worrying about people in chat and weather or not you can cheese. Dude just play the game how ever you want to play and quit worrying about what people say. And if you are worried, turn your thing off so others cant message you. Its not rocket science. Man some people just dont have backbone anymore in this day and age and are worried too much about hurting others feeling or getting there feeling hurt. Yall need to stop with that nonsense and start manning up.

Also frankly what most of the trolls say after games when you beat them is usually some funny bs anyways so sit back and laugh at them and make them look like fools. Like we did to that one guy that i live streamed for calling us all the same person.

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