Don't people get tired of TerranCraft 2?

It’s pretty obvious, to anyone with half a brain that we’ve entered the era of terrancraft ever since the latest patch rolled out, the game was already heavily terran favored, but this is something else at this point.

People really like playing this dumbass patch where terran just dominates?


? half the foreign terrans had to switch games to earn a living.

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People here are demented lmao

Maybe if they were not 35 year old neckbeards or autistic glasses crycrylord they would do something of terran. It’s pretty obvious to anyone that Terran is OP in the current state of the game, while protoss is lacking and struggling (has been since 2017 but whatever), meanwhile terrans are running rampant on the ladder with free wins both against Z and P.

Terran needs a nerf


The majority of the players are not playing terran. If they there are more than 50% players playing terran then the “terran craft” terminology may hold some water.

Weekly cup/tournament winners seems to be fine since patch, all 3 races had wins and within expectations. Also the meta have not fully been adjusted yet so strange results could happen before it is stabilized.

People talked about the map pool being terran favored in the current season, I do not agree.

So terran whine threads disappeared a year ago or so and we keep seeing how some low Z and P players think T is OP. Why because Solar didnt win over Maru and Gumiho? Very favored in 2018-2021 yes

Really the amount of lies lately. Terrans have long switched or quit because unlike pro games where T multitasking is efficient P is very EZ ladder race and nothing has changed about it in TvP, stop lying. I quit this because I got tired of P having constatly wins of some low APMers with their low effort wins

The main prob with T v P is that Blizzard increased the lag time when warping in units - and - increased the build time for all Toss buildings. Now since the new patch (Oct 2023) is out, they should restore the times or reduce the cost.

finished last season on eu top 100 master, how? simple every game just play something to fk terrans, they have the most op class in the game, the baby sitters of the devs, and still suck, no respect for any terran player

I’ve gotten tired of groups of people like Jakamakala, Eurotrash, Patchtoss, and others stalking and harassing people through this game but the actual game of Starcraft 2? No.