The idea is that whoever outperforms the other would supposedly have more credibility and would no longer need to listen to anyone else.
For my part, re-leveling Swann 3 times has given me a new appreciation for him. He’s solid, he’s got a subtly-different playstyle, and he has decent variety in his strategies - not the most, but it’s there. He definitely feels OP when you can play him well.
Lol I know. Let’s just enjoy the commander. The roundboi is fun. And I’m sure both of you are good players.
Discussion is discussion, we can all agree to disagree. At the end of the day, even if one person/perspective is right, it doesn’t change how the other feels about it.
Usually19 points into concentrated beam. That allows you to kill all common units in an attack wave, including battlecruisers.
2nd mastery is depending on what kind of build your going for. Only tanks and thors are able to do immortality protocol, and if your using Herc/tank, your probably not losing many tanks. But it’s still a good band aid for a bad play or two. Depends on how aggressive you like to be with your turrets.
3rd mastery is truly up to preference. Both the drone and drill masteries are great and have sparked debates with legit reasoning for both. A quicker drill gets you a map wide laser and calldowns faster, but the drones can help you get your economy up a bit faster. You can also do any kind of split here as well. If you find that you’re never ready to upgrade your drill when it comes online, pull a few points from the drill to your drones to give you more time to set up.
Personally, I run 19/11 split on the first mastery to one shot battlecruisers.
Full points into structure HP. I love to push with turrets and camp enemy spawns with them.
Full points into drill mastery, so I can start blasting fools with the powah of the sun as soon as possible!
There is no “standard way” to distribute these. They all have their benefits and drawbacks. The more points you put into the different Laser masteries (Concentrated Beam and Laser Mastery) the stronger each of them are, yet Warbots is considerably better in the early game.
Immortality Protocol is overall better if you’re offensive focused, but does little when defending, while Structure health is way better there. Situational choices, all depends on the map.
Laser Mastery vs Vespene Drone is a matter of preference. If you use the Laser more then the points spent upgrading it are more useful. If you’re more focused on macroing with an army then Vespene Drones are more useful for powering Swann’s economy faster.
It’s all a matter of preference. There is no right way to Specc Swann for random missions. For mutations it’s a different story, but for random missions use whatever combination you prefer.
Just for reference I use a 20/10 Mastery 1, 10/20, Mastery 2, and 20/10 mastery 3 when I play P0 Swann.
Average player sending casting thing while average swann player just sits and watches how enemy hordes are dying in agony from his tanks auto-attack without any clicking. You basically has nothing to do but to cast matrixes, just to save few cheap goliath or tank that may be resurrected on the move for 40 gas. Only science vessels are painfully to lose so it’s better to shield them from bc yamatos. Other units are good to save but not critical. If you unloaded tanks, after that your army is able to kill enemy wave sitting afk. What happen to ascendant/tempar guy if he leaves his army afk? Think about it.
I regard, picking the rebuild cost reduction mastery a bad players pick. If you play well, you will never need to rebuild a destroyed tank, cause there will never be one.
EVEN IF you don’t play perfect, but loose some - say 3 or 4 - tanks in a game, that never EVER would justify the mastery investment. And if you do loose more, you simply play bad. That has nothing to do with swann, but only you.
Anyone who can use hercules at least somewhat decently, would only cripple themselfs by picking that mastery.
That being said… You contradict yourself there in just 2 sentences - you realize that, right? Nothing to do but watch enemies die - but cast D-matrixes.
Regardless, 4 of novas upgraded ravens or 5 ascendants will ALONE wipe a wave. That is 10 supply or less.
Swann sux, cause 10 supply for swann can do crap compared to other commanders.
Furthermore, D-matrix casts require precision - both in time and location. Plus hercules and vessels can obstruct view from ground targets that you want to shield. For D-matrix it makes A BIG difference if you cast 1s to late or hit the target beside the one you want to… for ascendants / ravens it does not matter much. So if you are actually good with vessels, you would perform outright amazing with nova / alarak… if you are not, then you probably are not good with vessels either…
I grew out of this strategy years ago. But keep playing your chicken swann tactics until you too figure out that swann has much better options. But even with those swann sux.
It seems to me, you are someone without much clue talking about topics you have little to no experience about. Here is a clue for you: hercules cost only 50 gas - only as much as a goliath… but they have 600 HP. That’s more than a BC. If you pre-shield them, they have 800. Its much MUCH harder to kill than a vessel, and its MUCH cheaper if you actually do loose it.
Not having a hercules and tanking yamatos with vessels is just bad play.
Hey, watch the replays I posted earlier in this thread. They show competitive Swann gameplay in a few different scenarios. I’m also not sure what server your on for us to play a game together.
Also your comparison of the whole 10 supply thing is kind of ridiculous. How many resources does it take to get 4 ravens? Plus the cooldown to produce them? Or the Ascendants that need to be babysat in the early part of the game to level them up, requiring sacrifices of your supplicants. Both of those are easily getting into mid game point, where Swann is also hitting his stride. And in the event that you lose those units, there is no easy way to replace them. And if you can keep those units alive effectively, as you said, you can keep your tanks alive effectively.
Also, most CO’s don’t have miracle solutions for only 10 supply.
Again, I’m not sure why your gunning so hard against Swann. As you can clearly see, people here do play him, and can play him as competitively as other CO’s. If you don’t like his play style, that’s okay. You can have a fully leveled P3 CO, but if you don’t like their playstyle then your probably going to think badly of them regardless of how much you play them. Swann brings a kit and playstyle that is still unique to him.
So again, the answer to this thread is; yes, people play Swann. Roll credits.
That’s… Not a good argument, Nova’s got just over 1/3 the army supply of any given 200 cap commander. So you’re now going pretty much the same supply efficiency as a Herc-Tank, which can vaporize ground with small amounts of micro, or enough Science Vessels to just blindly D Matrix an army and a-move to win or even Irridate a bio army to death.
Those 5 Ascendants would cost a good 4000 minerals or more, at that price I’d hope they could deal with waves. The same cost gives you 80 Marines or 160 Zerglings, or enough static ground as Swann to kill a wave at 0 apm.
Yup I got that, my argument is that both of those examples are pretty high resource commitments, and that Swann does have similarly usable options in the same price range.
But even then his argument is just completely invalid. Even if you put aside the resource aspect, ravens’ abilities are limited by charges, so you could wipe out a wave with 4~5, but that’s it for a bit - no sustained damage at all. And 10 supply worth of ravens is really 20 because of Nova’s 100 cap
Closer to 30 effective supply cost, don’t forget that she still needs to have SCVs mining minerals and they also effectively cost double supply. But yeah, agreed.