Do you think Sc2 is balanced?

Getting back into starcraft? We played a long time ago together an Nick’s apartment.

I dont know if its balanced, depends on what level you’re talking about.

Is it well designed across all 3 races? No, at least when compared to previous patches.

A mid-tier NA GM just qualified for Code S with Terran. Look me in the eye and tell me the game is balanced and do it with a straight face.

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It is inherently impossible for a game to be balanced with three different races, though they could definitely do better than they have.


What,are you talking about Juanito?,he is not mid gm level and does he even play on the NA server?,looking at rankedftw and he just played one single game and he is top 11mmr.If he played there,he would be the number one,or two depending on parting.

Ace used to be a reasonable person who respected different opinions while having his own but he changed quite a bit for some reason. It’s a shame but it is above my powers.

Going back to the topic, people seem to have some problems understanding what is written. Even though I said Protoss is a easier race to master that doesn’t mean in any way it is the strongest race. Strongest race is Zerg and it has been that way for a while.

PvZ for example is a matchup in dire situation, I even made a post about it because it is starting to concern me deeply and I am not even Protoss main. You can check it here if you wish:

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That’s why you are wrong. What is the race harder for you? Terran?? Hahhaha…what is so hard in sttuter steping? So easy to do son.
Each race has its problems to solve, in different ways. I really doubt you tried protoss at high level. You may say about zealots but lings are almost the same. But the big problem is that playing protoss at high level is really hard, maybe much more than terran.

First because protoss really need to know what the other player is doing due to more specific counter units. Futhermore because in a battle high level terran has an easy life in the production task and in the middle of a battle. Once terran set the battle it is done amd the only action is all about sttuter steping his army of MMM…if mech it is even easier! While protoss needs to guardian shield, force field in the roght places, feedback, micro nova, blink the stalkers and look away to produce while in battle. I’m pretty sure you are not a good protoss player. Pretty sure! And you must be respectful.


If i shove an icepick (hydralisk spine, psiblade, u-238 round) through your torso you’re not going to heal from that over time without medical attention.
If i pound on your car with a 20lbs sledge it is not going to eventually return to it’s fabricated state. It will require repairs.
Why would terran military ever put a teleportation device on a marine, who has a life expectancy of … 15 seconds? Five? I don’t remember the number from some bit of flavor text, but it isn’t long.
I like the idea of structures collapsing and dealing damage, though I think it shouldn’t apply to zerg buildings. Maybe if you get too close to spawning pool your zealot falls in and becomes hybrid?
Not sure if srs.

Game is balanced enough for me to enjoy playing it. I like all three races and they all have their unique strengths, weaknesses, and play styles. To expect it to be perfectly balanced (whatever that looks like) is expecting too much.

I would think it’s impossible to get everyone to agree on what “balance” is. In many cases what some call “imbalance” is that they want their favorite race to let them win against people who are just a bit better than they are with the other race.

And how can you “verify” something’s balanced when people have different skill levels with different races? And what might be balanced at the highest skill levels might not be balanced at lower skill levels.

So I suspect no game is perfectly balanced.

But if a person thinks, in any game, something is ‘imbalanced’, then use that ‘imbalance’ and others will teach you how it’s not as imbalanced as you thought when they win anyway. Suddenly any sincere thoughts of imbalance fade away in most ( but admittedly not all ) cases.

Yea. Auto heal. Whats wrong with that?
Now as it is, a ship gives you hp, regardless of the type of injury.

Any unit now as the game is, can be teleported, from zerglings to immortals. Why not marines? And the thor/tank compositions should have something similar to the nydus effect or have something similar to that Protoss one-button-click-skill called recall. In fact, it would make perfect game sense to allow the non-zerg races the utility of the nydus network. This would give eZerg some level of risk for using it. I know, eZerg must not have much risk associated with it (it needs to remain fun).

Well what level are you? You don’t have a game history or game profile.

It’s not a powerful race, it’s the easiest to reach a high ceiling with. They seem really imba (weak) at the pro level. No doubt.

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What level I am, little metal leaguer, is irrelevant. This seems like a thinly veiled terran whine thread.

Yeah, the game’s balanced but it’s not as fun as it used to be. One of the cons of technology in its current state I think is the hot fix culture. If you look at SC2 initial game design, it had direction and intent. Now, the expansions and balance patches across the years have lost that direction and been solely around balance. If you look at what we had in WoL and where we are now, the state of the game makes absolutely zero sense. I’m not saying we should go back to WoL, but just as an example. I’m not saying SC2 should be BW, but BW kind of stands alone in its success because Blizzard was not ALLOWED to touch it even with the remaster. I really wish we complained about balance a lot less and stopped trying to lead the direction of the game through crying. It’s really apparent that we’re not a good influence and have no idea what we’re talking about.


Protoss is extinct at Pro level. Not sure about other level but at Pro level, everyone just roll over the Protoss.

In all these years that I play starcraft, for the first time I feel useless. no matter what I do, I can’t beat Terran in the lategame because the ghosts and liberators are too strong or my units are so nerfed that they can’t fight them. already Zerg has the problem of roaches that are very powerful, you have to make archons, immortals and have an insane micro with a folding prism to fight them, this is not fun, it’s a terrible disgrace to play protoss.

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How long have you been masters again? You seem to be as stuck as the diamond plebs. You yourself hardly know how the game works. You absolutely love that masters badge don’t you? Why don’t you get GM? Let me guess… the BC’s are stopping you?

xD god I love comments like these. Not everyone is as sad as you, buddy. Whats bothering me is that zerg had their options taken away in 2017 and it still hasnt been fixed, so I’m only able to enjoy starcraft casually rather than as my main game. I just finished winning a war with my team in another game and it was a great collaborative experience that I’ll never forget.

But I cant bring myself to practice 1v1 in starcraft anymore because I just dont care. My goal was just to get gold league xD I got that a loooong time ago. But even with only minimal effort I was able to get masters by just sitting down and practicing anti-meta builds and countering the most popular strategies.

I would love to take starcraft seriously again but for that to happen it needs to take itself seriously first.

Go look up railgans video on youtube about his roach corruptor build post corruptor buff. That’s what I started doing every zvt when the bc was buffed. I got masters in like a week from BCs. MMR inflated players dont know how to handle their plans going sideways.

How do I roll my eyes on the internet? I’m not sad. At all. But that’s not really any of your concern so please, if you’re going to be weird and rude, just don’t talk to me.

I think a better question is at what level is Starcraft 2 balanced? GM, Diamond, Silver etc.

Because the assumption that is so hard to unpack is having two players of equal skill playing different races and then checking balance.

For most of us maybe balance doesn’t matter, its a matter of figure out how to deal with certain strategies we face in a game.

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