https ://
i bet pro players will buy this because it puts them at a tactical advantage because it might cause minor confusion.
the planetary fortress skin for the classic is awful, add a regular planetary cannon ontop so people know what they are looking at.
in addition the upgrading animation is super screwed up, i would not be surprised at all if pro players bought this on mass.
Tbh, I agree. There is a pretty bad visual clarity problem with that planetary.
As someone who haven’t seen the new skins yet, it took me a solid 10 seconds to spot the cannons on that CC.
I think this is the best resemblance to what we have in BW, but yes planetary can cause some issues. At this point Blizz should add an option to disable skins for particular player.
why would they do that? taht would lower the amount of players buying skins, they wouldnt even consider that. the person who suggests it at their meeting instantly gets laughed at and fired.
I meant like an option only for yourself, just like you can lower your graphics settings you can disable perticular skins so that only you can see it normaly. I play with skins only beacause i like how they look, and if there was an option like this players that have issues with how my CC looks could just disable it for themselves
Never thought I’d see the day I support a PeekaChi thread.
But… yes. That thing is both hideous and visually confusing, which is not one but two serious issues.
i want you too imagine your playing a ladder game and your attacking, but you start loosing more units than you expect, by the time you notice its a planetary you already lost 10+ marines(or other units like zerglings ).
i guarantee you that exact scenario i just described will play out at least 50 times, maybe more on 1v1 ladder.
I was intrigued by your point, so I checked it. Here are the three OC/PF/CC :
Dunno if they changed something compared to your screen but the Ibiks cannons are rather visible on standby, and have a very flashy fire animation upon attacking. If you’re not noticing that firing at your army, it’s that you’re macroing on the other side of the map. ^^
Globally I find that CC classic skin quite atypical compared to the other buildings sets, with a dusty engine/shuttle look that would fit perfectly in some cyberpunk fiction. And the mesh is different from the others CCs, it’s not just a retexture. Personally, I like it. The combo with the ultra modern chromed Tyrador skins could be questionable though, but maybe they’ll have entire “classic” sets in the future.
On a side note ; I’m sure your chances of being heard by the devs wouldn’t decrease with less salt/more polite thread titles.
Even in adult business, I’ve been told women did a difference between the guys behaving politely, and those considering them as trash. But we’re straying away, aren’t we ?
I’m not. I just considered the possibility of the devs increased the visibility of the firing animation meanwhile, or of it being less visible on very low graphical settings. But people working on low probably aren’t those purchasing skins IMO.
Skins decreasing visibility has been noted in the past ; so some skins were disallowed in tournaments. If something could be improved in that regard, it would be the possibility to disable the skins on your own side, so that you’re not forced to display them if you don’t want to see the opponent’s skins.