Divergence CE 2vs2 creep block

If you are Zerg, you can’t build in the natural on this map without blocking your ally. It forces you to either build outside or make your ally build outside. In either case, it’s a disadvantage and an easy fix. It’s so annoying that you can’t filter this map and/or that it hasn’t been fixed since the hatchery’s creep distance upgrade patch.

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allies should be able to build on your creep. It’s sad this change hasn’t occurred.

If you could build on ally creep then 2v2/3v3/4v4 would be more popular in the pro leagues

There is no differentiation between allied and enemy creep. There is just creep. With this game basically on life support, Blizzard are never gonna make big changes to the fundamental code of the game, to add that change in.

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except your forgeting one thing, and that is the code is already in the game. Coop allows for your teammate to build on creep, if they have the code there they can just add the code to creep on team games. and yes i already know theres no dev, trust me ill be the first to tell anyone that.

Coop just lets anyone build on any creep. It still can’t distinguish between friendly or hostile creep.


Kelthar already said this, but creep is just creep in the StarCraft 2 engine. Coop lets Terran and Protoss build on creep, and multiplayer does not.

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u could have a range of distance of the Tumer where u can build on an Allied player’s creep.

maybe u should be allowed to build on creep any way.

maybe u can’t build close to enemy creep Tumer.

for the allied and enemy creep Tumer. if they are both beside each other. Either both can’t build, or both can on the creep by the Tumers.

I’m talking about terran and protoss buildings.

so, the tumor acts abet like a pylon. it’s not a pylon though. To go straight gateway u still need a protoss pylon to use it.

It should be thumbs up not thumbs down :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

If I would be honest nothing would change.