Disintegration doctrine strategy

What strategy to use to get this achievement?

I tried dig in and tech up to capital ships, too slow
I tried to rush with zealots and stalkers, gets killed too easily when I push into about halfway through the map

As for spear of adun abilities, I pretty much use Solar Lance as soon as energy reaches 50 and I am within vicinity of a corruption rift…

Tried many times, but can’t seem to destroy all the rifts + corruption within 28 minutes…

I like the mix of void rays and immortals. Void rays are very mobile, and immortals allow to get rid of corruption and thrashers very fast. Makes the run on Normal almost easy.

In my achievement hunting playthroughs I built only these two units (and probably a couple of stalkers to collect some gas by blinking). Sentries are also good in a number of two or three as they have a useful aura. While warp-ins are in cooldown, the rest of resources I spent on economy. The starting army is powerful enough to clear a couple of points before Raynor’s and Kerrigan’s bases. Solar Lance is good enough for defence if some entities happen to reach the protoss base.
Resources should not pile up – so increasing production with additional stargates helps a lot (after the second base is good at harvesting).
The hardest void bases are on the left and the right of Narud – I don’t attack them if there’s no time stop or guardian shield availiable. Other points can be taken even without Spear of Adun abilities.

With this i happened to finish the mission even in about 25 minutes with (i thought so) all structures destroyed. I didn’t get the achievement then, but that’s a much more difficult story involving a void rift i didn’t know of.

I did this on 5.0.0 patch. I used exclusively void rays with many saves towards the end to eliminate all units + structures. If a direction I went to didn’t have any enemy units, I’d save scum and reload before that command and go to another direction to finish within the time limit.

I believe I finished the entire map in 25 minutes. Used time stop and solar lances.