Direct Strike, Gas

Hi if there are any dudes here who play Direct Strike on StarCraft II I have a question please, I know that in standard mode right in the beginning of the game you are not supposed to build gas because you are supposed to try and use your money to build some units so that you can rush to the center and try to control the center because if you are over the half way point it will give you a cash income rate bonus, right? But my question is when you are in weakly brawel commander mode you have to build all of your gas right in the beginning as fast as you can and if you don’t the other players usually start swearing and going off, so I want to know why do you have to build your gas as quickly as you can in commander mode? Thanks any info about this will be appreciated.

I know this issue and i would say its correct that you dont Rush gas in Standard but you do it in Commander (i Play rather heroic so i dont 100% know the differences between heroic and Commander) because:

  • in Standard you have only the Standard Units and you can up with counter strats pretty easily since the Standard Units are Balanced vs each other (in Commander this isnt Always the Case, some commanders dont have an answer Instantly vs the opponent Commander)
  • If the Bunker falls then there is nothing Clearing the Wave anymore and you have to Deal with 1.5 half waves If you are behind meaning you have high Chances of staying behind. And in Standard the Bunker can Fall quickly
  • Commander has static d and Commander abilities that protect your bunker meaning your Bunker doesnt Fall that fast which means that there is a huge time Window where someone who didnt Rush gas will “lose” money compared to someone who rushed Gas only for the slight Chances that the Initial NOT Investment of 150 mins will result in a destroyed Bunker. Which is Like i Said unlikely because of extra static d.

Either one of the brawl modifiers was double refinery income, in which case you want to rush gas 99% of the times, one of the modifiers was accord (no middle income), or you played with noobs who have no idea how income works :slight_smile: