Differences between workers

I’ve always speculated and have my own opinions about best workers per race, but I was wondering what the strengths and weaknesses are between the 3 races.

I know at one time the SCV had 5 more HP than the others and not sure why that was changed, but what differences do workers currently have ?

SCV still has 5 more hp…

SCV 5 more HP.
Drone has constant regen.
Probe has shield regen and can cause instant heart-attacks for the cost of one (1) pylon cancel ^^


I thought the extra 5 was removed …?

Because terran is building with his workers and they are vulnerable, also if you haven’t +5, probe regens and you couldn’t kill it. With one and you would have to send another 2 scvs…

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Ok but what about their attacks and rate of minerals/gas consumed?

SCV attacks with a sort of delay,
Drone seems to have a bit of range to attack
And probe seems to lock-on, and zap even with distance.

No all stats are same, if you lock-on you can finish off any worker. Scv have +5 hp and other workers have regen, that’s it… liquidpedia .net

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Thank you!
Do you think this should be the same? Would it add value to enabling different aspects per each? It really seems to me like Probe attack is different from Drone for instance, and range between probe and SCV differ.

I like the value of Drones being able to burrow, and probes bring with them an Arsenal, I think SCVs should be able to always stow away in a fortress or even an Orbital with upgrade.

I always push for more diversity in races, and I don’t think differences should stop simply at a just a few stats.