Diam last season, disappeared from League History!

So I just got back to Diam (last season), since my long break SC2, I got it with Random, but for some reason it doesn’t even show on my history.

This season I have 3191 MMR with Randon, and I am Gold 2, this is so beyond stupid.

Not only you are up against all these smurfs and mh, after all that it doesn’t even give you the right league. (not even close!)

Dude, I will pay subscription or buy this game again, just can you fix your SC2, it becomes so annoying with all these problems.

Either fix it or just give it to the community, the community probably will fix both league placement, and will fix even the smurf problem ( I mean like eliminate more than 80% of them, some will probably put maximum effort to always find a loop hole)

Seriously, this is a competitive EA sport game, best RTS in history, can we finally find some solutions to these problems?

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dude you do realize theres no one working on this game. were lucky there balanceing the game at this point in its life, and thats being done by the pros, who are doing a terrible job at it. Also leave league and requal, if you have above daim mmr it will reset it the proper border rank.

This means the AOE2 is the only supported and updated RTS game these times.

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Because it only shows your highest achieved league for every mode (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4) and not for every placement you achieved in every mode.

Last season you got the master bug, meaning instead of getting the diamond league in your career summary you got the master league, since its the higher rank.

This is partly because of provisional mmr. You need to have like 20 games before you are out of provisional mmr. The system often places you lower than you are because you start much higher in mmr in most cases and the system wants to prevent giving you a league that is much higher than your actual skill. Meaning you need to “earn” your spot. You will soon be promoted to plat 3 plat 2 and so on mostly everytime after winning a game.

Ofc i know it placed you in diamond last season and now in gold, but the provisonal mmr system always worked in mysterious ways (its buggy as hell; but wanted to say that it has always been like that with provisional mmr). Ive experienced it very often too.

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That is such a lame excuse, “nobody is working at the game”.

Does it still sell campaigns, and in game items like skins and voices, yes it does, does it have new users coming every month, yes it does, does it have an active ladder, yes it does.

We people right now accept anything, now matter how non sense and bs it is.

If most players will demand, that these basic problems we’ve been dealing for years, finally get fixed, they will do it!

LMAO, dude do you realize how long people have been asking them to fix this stuff. Guess what your not the first or the hundreth person to say this same speal. And you definitly wont be the last. They dont fix things like that for one, for two have you not seen what the servers and fixing them the last couple of weeks has been like. Every other weakend a different server has been dang near broke and not working.

The is no people working on this game unless its something that completley boinks the game. as for balanceing, thats being done by pro players now and you know this. You havent been gone from the game this long to not realize how bad the state it was in. youve been posting on these forums for awhile so quit acting like your new. Just accept the state its in move on and go play the game and enjoy it while it still last.

Dude LMAO, people like you on these forums is exactly the reason we don’t have any fixes in SC2.

And don’t think I forgot when you created this brand new account, when you lost and argument to me and had nothing to say, and busted in the argument with an account just created with 2 posts.

I wouldn’t surprise if you are a smurf too with your multiple account.
Talk about the worst.

It is clear you came to attack me, not disscuss about what if the majority of players will be united and ask for fixes, not fight each other, like you do.

um, no never created a new account for an argument with you bud. the other account are on hiatus, and the reasons had nothing to do with you ever. so props to you getting me confused with someone else. And no im not a smurf. I have one account i play on, and you can find me on twitch streaming with it as well.

also no i did not attack you in anyway shape or form. if you think stating facts about the status of the game is attacking you, you obviously got serious problems.

They did get rid of the entire development team a while ago.

Just saying, I don’t think there are a lot of smurfs, I’d say that’s probably extremely rare. I knew a guy from Europe and when he moved to America, he started new on NA, he was M1 on Europe, and he got placed way too low on NA, so he was winning every game easily, I’d say a new account is the reason why you may believe someone is “smurfing” most of the time.

Sure guy with 10 posts, and probably new account, and a smurf defender.

I am checking more than 2 months now, how many smurfs there are!

And there are actually much more than I thought.

Funny thing is these smurfs think that people can’t check their match history and all of those many many deranking games.

And when you meet them again, they still think that people don’t know, no I know, I played you before, I have your name, you are 3 leagues below, you have more than 80 games intentionally left at 1 sec of the start, I know exactly who you really are.

So guy with new account, and 10 posts, smurf defender that is probably a smurf himself, don’t waste your breath.

A lot of them just left and went to Frost Giant, but there are enough people on the whole company that could fix it, or they could hire someone, now it the best time to get the best developers because of IT Market being so bad, and the hundreds of thousands layoffs, you have a Ocean of talent right now in the field.

My question for you is, what do they stand to gain by doing that? People could just have moved and switched servers, maybe they used to be really good long ago, but had to create a new account because they forgot their old credentials and no longer use the associated email address. Maybe they have a really spotty Internet connection. Yes, some people smurf, some people leave games to get to a lower rank, which doesn’t make any sense to me. I guess they just have too much time on their hands, but there aren’t that many people like that

Dude you just insulted me on the other thread, don’t play inocent!

I will repeat it a hundred times, you check the user’s match history, if the guy has like 75 intentional games left from the begining of the game (usualua 1-3 seconds from the begining), that means he intetionaly is deranking to be in like 3-4 leagues lower, that is a smurf.

Nobody cares about the examples you gave, those are not smurfs.

Interesting, i guess I just personally haven’t encountered this very often, probably only a few times. But it definitely is a little bit annoying, when you’re on the side of them just leaving at the start, it’s a bit nice to get that MMR (even though it doesn’t feel quite as good because you didn’t have to work for it), but when they beat you because they’re way higher then you, it is rather frustrating. I feel like it wouldn’t be too hard to implement something like if you leave a certain number of games within the first minute then you get a suspension, and if it continues then you get a ban, or something along those lines.

Yes it is very easy to fix, and many games are doing at least something against smurfing.

Smurfs are ruining the game, there is no excuse and it shouldn’t be tolarated.