
Sorry kid there is no way you’re a stats grad. You regularly butcher the basics on topics such as how to sample. Unlike you, I am actually right so I can back my claims up with facts - here is a great example:

This was your reply to my point that the alphastar ladder sample was too small. You were angry that it wasn’t large enough to account for things repeat play. You called me an idiot and said I didn’t know how to sample properly. You accused me of trying to cater the sample towards a conclusion. Then I provided a quote directly out of the alphastar paper:

AlphaStar Supervised and AlphaStar Mid were evaluated starting from an unranked rating on Battle. net for 30 and 60 games, respectively, for each race; AlphaStar Final was evaluated from AlphaStar Mid’s rating for an additional 30 games for each race. The Battle. net matchmaking procedure selected maps and opponents. Matches were played under blind conditions: AlphaStar was not provided with the opponent’s identity, and played under an anonymous account. These conditions were selected to estimate AlphaStar’s strength under approximately stationary conditions, but do not directly measure its susceptibility to exploitation under repeated play.

You even asserted VEHEMENTLY that the paper disagreed with me:

AND accused me of not having read the paper:

This was one of the biggest intellectual face-plants I have ever witnessed.