Dehaka's Units Not Moving Faster On Creep

Grinding Zag’s prestiges. Level 10 P1 here. Just had a game on Rifts of Korhal with a Dehaka ally. Nice zvz.

I was spreading creep with multiple queens, as few Zags do. On the way to the 2 at the top NW, I moused over one of Dehaka’s roaches, particularly the move speed.

The Roach wasn’t getting the zerg movement speed increase onside creep. This proves Dehaka isn’t real zerg. Unless primal zergs don’t get movement speed increase for some reason?

Anyway Zag P1 is fun. Really teaching me how to use her scourge. They take anything out. It’s fun a-moving them. I always had fond memories of using scourge in BW. They are really good on Rifts because you can just right click both bonuses and all the shards with Scourge.

Even Stukov gets the speed increase and he’s more terran than zerg.