Dehaka die condition

  1. was the website down today?
  2. I was playing with a dehaka ally, he had lost all his base except dehaka den, but the game didn’t finish. But then he spawned a primal worm, it died, and we lost.

Is there a weird lose condition there?

I remember there was a patch that “fixed” commanders that previously couldn’t fulfill lose all buildings conditions. Maybe this is a side effect.

Best guess from the data editor is that having a charge on primal wurm literally counts as an “alive structure”. This guess is based mainly on the idea that the triggers don’t prod the player that they have unused charges if there are no alive primal wurms to summon.

imgur com/a/cZaiCRn

Primal wurm can’t be spawned. It can only deep tunnel. So that means Dehaka had an alive structure. And if that was greater primal wurm, it requires Glevig den.

Welp since Dehaka discussion is out I’ll just jot some things

  • Dehaka cannot walk over non massive units in Massive form (lvl 6)
  • Primal Leaders do not benefit from Tyrant Aura (+2 Armour)
  • extend Dehaka’s Lv3. Leap increase from 2 seconds to 4 seconds


So if he has at least one worm he can’t lose?

Sometimes the lose conditions makes little sense lmao.
I was on DoN and lost my base, I tell ally to take my base, and then we lose because his command center alos fell. Nevermind that I had 140 supply worth of battlelord broodcarriers and 25 buildings to go. C’mon Morales, just let me clean this up.