David Kim is moving to the WoW team!

I’m so glad about this!
As a retired StarCraft II player, it’s a relief to know I now have a new place to complain about David Kim ruining my favourite game. :sunglasses:

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How exactly he ruined your game?

He didn’t, I just remember people blaming him for everything back then, and joking about it.

He pretty much ruined the game:

Took always a weird approach,instead of focusing on units mechanics and feel,he went for the speed-damage-HP route.This unit does nothing?,letts buff its damage,nerf its hp,buff its speed so good players can get an advantage from it.
Instead of seeing what he did wrong he insisted on patchin anything else and fix the actual problem,his direction was really wrong.On top of that they decided to not listen to pros,many times pros were saying they sent feedback to Blizz and then patches reflecting nothing,even some circles of top players used to say that the balance team never reached to them.And the worse thing,they took too many time between patches when they should have patched faster,so in the long run,few patches and not very good,thats what kills a game. Situation only got better when he left and bew team came with a different approach and getting more feedback from pros,they even went for the redesign/big patch idea,its a bit sad that they started it so late, but it was only when DK left. Sounds harsh, but I don’t think he was a good dev for sc2.


Exactly. He never adressed the real problems…he was always circunvent a known problem by patching other unit instead of the real one that should be buffed or nerfed. Like…infestors were OP…“uh let’s nerf adepts”. Nonsense changes and in some moment go full retard by going into the premisse “the most fun part of the game is killing workers”. He even said something in these lines.

He just didnt knew that the most fun part of an RTS game is the battle! Fighter units clashing each other. The economy aspect exists to give depth to the strategy game not to be the objective per si. We players like the strategy and the FIGHT that it involves.

In a RTS genre skill is part too but not the reduction made by focusing almost all strategy into “kill workers” or harrass them.



At least now i know for sure i wont be touching WoW anymore in the near future 100% … that guy… i swear he was so terran biased.LIterally dude made marine T1 unit COUNTER EVERYTHING else in the game with ease. All you had to do was upgrade weapon to 3 and it was the most cost efficient unit in the game. FACTS

It’s a really good way to delay and even avoid snowballing, but his obsession with worker kills was too big.I remember the old raven, Nathanias played them on a ‘‘troll’’ way and he ended with 150-180 worker kills every game, he played games just to see how many workers died.

I also forgot to mention the old team worked in the expansion mentality ‘‘we released this, and now we focus on what we released, we won’t touch nothing until next expansion’’ , then the expansion came and they did not solve any problems and instead of it usually added some problematic units that seemed to be good, but weren’t necessary and needed a lot of patches. Not everything they did was wrong, they improved things, but that could have been done in less time, you can rework almost the entire of multiplayer game in three years, and we are at the year 10, but they also used pro play as a excuse to do almost nothing because pros do not like big changes, so doing the minimum was pretty convenient for the dev team.


WoW is a tired old fossil. I feel bad for him. Maybe they gave him some extra money and a new title. WoW is a back seat at Blizzard - keeps activision happy I guess. The real action is in the secret titles Blizzard are working on behind the scenes atm.

An interesting thing is all the original talent left Blizzard. The real OGs. The guys who remained are grabbing at scraps, I don’t know…

Well, the real problem is everyone believes they know what the real problem is and they don’t agree with each other.

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Maybe that is our problem as SC 2 community, we complain too much. Well Blizzard almost left completely SC 2, focusing on other projects, now more than ever, complaining on the forums is useless.

I dont necessarily see anything wrong with that though. Might not be good for casual players but it ups the skill cap which gives you great players like Byun.

Which I guess you could argue that leaves the door open for a few people to just dominate with insane micro like Byun with old reapers (he is still a micro beast).

Also reminds me of vultures in Brood War. A new player to the game probably thinks vultures suck. But they are very much low key OP and insanely powerful and cost efficient when used by professionals.

You can’t nerf the health and increase the damage of a unit like the Carrier and expect that everything will be fine, that people will suddenly find “new micro potential” because of it.

Well, technically you can expect that… but the results won’t align with your expectations.

The danger is that you use precious developement time to turn a unit into a unit with more niche usage.I think the game is better when more units are useful in the general sense, not in the sense of adepts that are only good at cheeses and early scout, banshees, oracles-kinda (only useful because they have viable revelation),reaper,cyclone… In my opinion is better having more all rounder units than many niche-specific usage units, that means more gameplay options, less hard countering, and overall more variety. That’s my biggest critizism, DK team worked a lot in that direction, evading one of the main points of a RTS and focusing on specific unit interactions while evading some obvious problems, think all the time wasted on the mothership core and its changes, just to avoid the protoss defense rework, all the carrier changes that are not still acceptable, the tankivac fiasco,the extreme nerfing of adepts, the tempest fails,weird ravens,…all of that is wasted developement time, time that could be used in more important things and its specially serious since the time between patches was really big.

NOOOOO!!! OMG I love WoW and this dev is BAD NEWS for any game he gets involved in.

Please send Kim to GGG or RIOT instead. omfg…

Do you guys not have phones?

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He hasn’t worked on sc2 for years. He went from Diablo to WoW.