"Dark Skies" Mass Marine?

Dark skies mission in nova covert ops has LITERALLY ZERO AoE (except for jinara’s thermal lance). Taldarim use wrathwalkers instead of colossi, immortals instead of vanguards, and void rays instead of destroyers.

Wrathwalkers, immortals, and void rays are all quite good for breaking defenses of high health bunkers, battlecruisers, liberators, etc.

But they’re all pretty terrible vs mass marine. Alarak even uses havocs (which boost damage dealt vs ONE unit) instead of sentries (which would at least soft counter marines with guardian shield). So wouldn’t it be possible to hold off the entirety of the death fleet using just 3/3 marines? Why is THIS, of all missions, the time where you get battlecruisers and are required to use them for an achievement when alarak brings all the units that are good against them? BCs are like, the opposite of marines.

Battlecruisers are a trap on that mission. Siege Tanks and liberators are where its at. Liberators in particular are just amazing against everything they throw at you with a bit of micro.

I shall have to try that next time. I’ve always used Battlecruisers.

I mean, you can certainly brute force it with them, but there really isn’t any reason to. You need a critical mass of them to fight most things, and there are too many entrances to cover for that. Tanks and Liberators are significantly more efficient.

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Is liberator any good against air target? I know it suppose to be, but I feel like it’s pretty weak against stuff like Corruptor and Phoenix.

I did marines and siege tanks. But I still built a hefty amount of cruisers.

The biggest advantage of the liberator is its splash damage. If you only have one, its going to be sad. If you have three or four, theyre going to start dealing some pretty noticeable damage. Youre generally better off using Vikings for strictly AA purposes in multiplayer, but since Nova doesn’t actually get those for some reason, liberators should be your go to AtA unit.

Her libs still have really bad AA. I think you are much better off using marines or ranged goliaths for AA. Or just use Apollo Infantry suit on Nova and let her solo all the air.

That said, for Dark skies the best solution is to let the AI allies to ALL the AA except for the big waves that Riegal tells you about. Those you go nuke, literally.

Personally I found it a rather easy mission by just getting 120+ supply of tanks spread across all the fronts and letting nova run around blasting things with the plasma rifle, Apollo suit, and super stim. Always end up massing 30 ghost academies, just because I can.

Nukes are fun. Just don’t tell Iran.

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Strangely enough, people on Facebook don’t think Iran has any chance against the USA. Even though, they thought North Korean has a chance against US navy…

North Korea is a very secretive nation, so there was room to speculate about its military, while everyone knows how Iran operates since they are involved in many ME wars.

Also, North Korea has nukes, not Iran as dar as we know :confused:

Difference between North Korea and Iran is that compared to North Korea Iran is pretty sane.


Iran is way more dangerous for world security tho. North Korea has no real ally, no political influence outside of its country, has no military power outside of a couple nukes and isn’t trying to expand. Their schtick is basically to get noticed and get ressources to maintain their regime, nothing more. Iran on the other hand has pawns everywhere in the ME : militias in Iraq, the Syrian regime that exists thanks to Iran, the Lebanese Hezbollah, Palestine’s Hamas, Yemen’s rebels…

To put it simply, North Korea is that kid who throws temper tantrums to get noticed and have some candies, while Iran is a bully who tries to be Recess’s king :confused:

The danger with North Korea isn’t its ability to fight the US, Its their ability to make Seoul very dead if it ever escalates into openn war. They have a crap ton of ordinary missiles and weapons pointed at Seoul that we cant intercept fast enough to stop from all going off. But once those are deployed, North Korea is gone, which is why China steps in any time NK looks like its going to actually intentionally start a war with the US or its allies. China wants NK as a buffer state to keep SK away from a direct border, but if NK commits suicide by picking a fight anyway, that defeats the purpose.

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Uh, Iran and Iraq have ties with Russia and China. Both of which are kinda big countries. The real threat of a war is it cascading like the start of WWI.

As a man of Iranian Kurdish ascendance, lemme tell you : nobody in Iran expect Russia to help them against the US. They have a big reputation of being an untrustworthy ally.

Another riddle finally solved.

Russia doesn’t have Iran fully in their power sphere, it’s too strong.

Given Putin’s past MO, he’d pretty much loved US and Iran duking it out, so he can be the “peacekeeper”, while putting Iran into the power sphere because it was weakened.

Wait, there was a riddle about that ? :smiley:

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Indeed. The biggest danger here, IMO, is that we have a repeat of Iraq, where the US goes in, overthrows the government, and then just basically leaves the suddenly angry and leaderless people to their own devices so that we get another terrorist state. If we plan to overthrow governments, we need to commit to reforming them for more than a generation like happened after WWII. We cant and shouldn’t just trust them to sort things out for themselves, we need to either not disrupt them in the first place, or own up to being responsible for them in the foreseeable future.