DankTemplar's WHINGE thread

INFESTOR BROOD. The more things change the more they stay the same.

No, Wings of Liberty was outright terrible.

There was no solution to Brood Lord + Infestor and every single army other than Zerg had major gaps and problems.


Do Plats consistently beat high Diamonds?

if u play protons anythings r possimble

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I play all races. But thanks for showing that you’re just a troll!

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lozl u still do pretand 2 play all race

u r like fox news but 4 protons and say u r fare and bananalanced but all u ever say is protons need buffs and other race need nerf

u even only say thing in this thread from protons perspection and say game is prefect if protons r not involve becuse u not play other race

also 4 records i not care u r plantinam u r allow 2 b stuck in plantinam

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I think you forgot to take your meds again Wap.


“Everything my opponent has is broken. Everything I have too weak. Protoss 37% GM #coincidence.”

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If you’re inferring I play Protoss. Not really. I play random. Playing one race all the time is boring.

But TvP is an unmitigated tire fire…Terran have been given so many “Screw you Protoss” buttons…like how the flying hell is that balanced? At the very least it’s a massive design flaw.

Roght. Like nerfing the perfectly balanced widow mine. Like tanking the once proud Raven into utter dogsh*t. Like over a year of Carriers being able to face stomp any Terran into the ground.

Your name is “danktemplar” and literally every post is you complaining about Protoss being weak. So maybe you play Random, but it’s a lot more likely that youre just a liar.

The truth of the matter is, Terran was always a harder race, but after 4.0? Protoss could take a nap while playing with one hand and get GM. Still true. Then, rather than fix the race and give it back some actual skill intensive options (like adept phoenix), the just tanked race making it all around weaker.

I’m not talking about what happened in the past. But hey, want to go there? How about Tankivacs or the bugged Liberator that EVERYONE but Terran whinged about for a good 6+ months before Blizzard figured out that the radius was set to something it wasn’t supposed to be set to?

If you want to open the book on dumb crap David Kim did to sc2…let’s have at it and roast that guy. He screwed up BAAAAD.

Part 2. My name is a freaking name. That is the most nonsensical thing ever. Should I assume you’re a pro because you use a barcode? No. Dumb assumptions are dumb.

I rarely whinge about Protoss…what the hell are you talking about? Do you think I’m Playa because we both have the same forum avatar?

Okay 3rd point…you’re probably an alt. I feel sorry for you. I mean what kind of person spends their Friday using an alt account to spew some of the dumbest crap you could spew without getting banned?

I’m studying and procrastinating and my wife’s out of town, I’m too old to play the “but mah social life” nonsense. Go try that crap on someone in their early 20s, kid.

And, no. You don’t cry as much as Playa, but you’re a whinebot, too. There’s things about Protoss obviously broken, but you neglected to mention those.

Now that I think about it. WTF are you doing with your Friday? Lol. Stupid remark, kiddo.

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If I was your Wife, I’d smother you in your sleep with a metaphorical pillow. You are freaking nuts.

My Friday? I’m waiting for a friend and killing some time by responding to the crazies on the SC2 forums. Because some of you are weird triggered man children that make a lot of baseless assumptions and have a severe case of confirmation bias.

Like, for example, outside of this whinge thread I rarely say anything about balance. I’ll gripe about the WM, sure but I always back up my reasoning and I don’t push my opinions as fact. I start a dialogue.

So yeah, you’re freaking nuts man.

Well, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, sweetheart.

Bold of you to assume a Protoss whinge bot has feelings.

They only have feelings. They were programmed without brains and to think only with their ovaries.

But how would you know unless you’re secretly a Protoss whinge bot yourself?

Dissection/ Dismantling

I didn’t see you refute that you’re a Protoss whinge bot…