Custom's Random Dropdown is not true random

When selecting a race in custom menu - it seems to be heavily weighted towards the race that you have the least experience with. Today, I legit got Zerg 5 times in a row. How is that in any way random?

This isn’t uncommon either - I frequently get Zerg 2-4 times on pretty much any map before I get another race. Please correct this and make it a true random - including some checks of ‘What race was last played?’ to avoid running duplicates like this. Thanks!

Also, if you’re going to fix that anyway, maybe add an option to select “I want random, but only of these 2 races (include check boxes” so people that want to play whatever of 2 races aren’t forced into constantly recreating the custom game.

There is definitely a bias to it, not sure how they managed to make it that way but I doubt it’ll change any time soon.