Custom games not loading

This is still happening. Loading open lobbies because of this rogue code results in freezing. Come on Blizzard…

I modified my host file and still nothing.

disable web client service and should be fine

Any new Updates on the fix for this. I am still not able to play any Custom games. Is Blizzard working to try to fix this or is it just something that is abandoned?


So, this problem seems to have been going on since March 11th and as of now, no fix? Either it’s a major problem that Blizzard can’t figure out or they’re just ignoring the issue. Either way, its poor customer service. I hope for their sakes they fix this issue soon.

There is a work around for the freezes. See here:

It’s not always as black and white as people think, especially those on the outside.

As for a fix, that’s not known. There’s been no communication about it. As for abandoned, thankfully no. What’s been observed so far is Bliz actioning those who make/host the exploited maps, and deleting the maps off the service.

This doesn’t fix the root cause, however it shows that Bliz is trying alleviate the problem where they can.

instead of saying dont open arcade how about fix it rofl

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I get that people would like it fixed immediately, but you’re suggestion is to not provide any possible ways to help people get around the problem while it’s looked into?

And to prevent confusion for anyone who passes through here, it’s the “Lobbies” tab that needs to he avoided, not the “Arcade” tab.

Hey all,

Give the Arcade a try. Looks to be cleaned up.

its been like this for 2 weeks lols

So? Most know that.

But that’s not the point of yours I was responding to.

Same problem here. My custome games suddenly freeze

Same problem. And on my friend the same.

seems like now the sc2arcade website is not working now for na server

Yeah, I noticed that earlier.

If anyone has communication lines to Talv, someone can let them know.

did blizzard fully patch the people messing arcade this patch?

Unofficial word is Bliz did put fixes in today’s 5.0.13 patch. Hopefully we will find out when the next attack attempt hits.

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Talv is aware and posted about it in Discord 5 hours ago, so around the time you posted this message. Thanks for everything over the last couple weeks, your patience with people’s… assertive thoughts on the matter :sweat_smile: your level-headedness, composure, and being the only helpful go-between that I’ve communicated with. (Not intentionally discrediting others, if there were any).

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lol now when you go to arcade now it just gives a fatal error and crashes your game
ED93988E-BF68-4F3C-A7DA-EA989C01B0AB is the error, its weird this time cause there is no lobbies

im getting this error 0A086BA1-41F1-4A1C-BCC3-E6389AFB67CB when i goto custom games on the u.s server

eu working fine