Hi, there,
I have created a mod entitled Zenith Balanced Mod and is available in the Americas server. The following is the link:-
Do let me know your opinions and I do appreciate constructive feedbacks. Note that I’am not a pro or expert at this game but I’am quite well-versed with the Editor.
I tested the mod and most of all liked the dual-mode of Tempest. It increased the versatility and usability of the unit making it more adaptable to the situation at hand (ground battles or air battles).
Sentry, i am not sure about the value of that ability, if one is to spend 100 gas it has more use as Sentry than as a fighting unit with not much power (for the cost).
Carrier had a bug: each time the Carrier fought (and killed even a probe he lost 4 or more interceptors without reason).
Congratulations for the cool ideas and the work.
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Hi, there,
Thanks for the feedback. I will check on the Interceptor bug, because strangely, it works perfectly when I used the carriers.
Once again, thanks.
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Just posted an update to this mod, you can check on the link in the above. With the feedback that the Vulcans (morphed from the Sentries) are weak, I have implemented some buffs to it, namely, the said Vulcan units are now permanently cloaked and its ground weapon damage as well as air weapon damage has been increased to make it a viable option. The Vulcans’ wireframe UI has also been updated to distinguish itself from the Sentry.
Another thing I will like to receive feedback on are the Carriers’ Interceptors. I do hope that it is no longer an issue and if the problem as mentioned do persist again, do let me know.
Lastly, thanks.
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I tested it again and the Interceptor problem persist.
Good news: i found where the problem is:
Interceptors are killed only if Carriers are used in combination with Tempests in Ground-Mode. I suspect that the Tempest shots are hitting Interceptors or they are causing Friendly-fire to them. In every case a Tempest hitting ground objectives in no case should interfere with Interceptors.
Try it yourself with 4 Carriers and 4 Tempests to hit a Rock, half of Interceptors will evaporate.
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Hi there,
Thank you so much for your help. Found out that it was the Tempest ground damage search area that was causing friendly-fire. I forgot to uncheck the ally and self options.
Once again, thanks. The mod has now been updated.
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The mod is now version 1.6. You can check on the link above for the latest updates. Mothership’s Time Warp ability has been reworked to make it look more like the Time Bomb ability in the Starcraft 2 Alpha version but not too drastic in that missiles fired from the enemy units into the warp field are slowed up to one-tenth of their moving speed. This is to make the Mothership a viable option again.
The Zerg Overseer and Overseer in siege mode receive a new ability: Parasitic Reveal which sends a swarm of parasites to reveal an undisclosed location.
Do let me know your opinion. Thanks.
This will be the final version of this mod - version 1.7. Do check on the link above for the latest updates. The Adepts’ health have been buffed to 80 from 70 vitals whereas their shades’ shield have been buffed to 60 from 50 vitals accordingly. This is important as Adepts are one of the Protoss early harassment tools particularly in PvZ.
The Carriers’ Interceptor Create Persistent has been buffed slightly further to 0.3125 seconds from 0.325 seconds allowing the interceptors to be launched slightly faster.
And lastly, the Mothership’s Time Warp ability now costs 125 energy due to the additional missile slowing effect in the time field radius.
Thoughts, anyone?