COOP no exp after game

What’s even worse…They just sold XP boost with Mengsk. So We pretty much wasted a week…If not longer

That’s really annoying, i got the Mengsk boost as well.

and where is anything from blizzard? At least just mention that the problem is known…


What’s the point? We know that they know.

Actually, that’s exactly it, considering there was thangsgiving in the US, and that they fixed the ramp issue, I’m not sure they were actually at work these past few days to acknowledge this problem… so in fact they might not know it exists.

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That would’ve been just sheer incompetence. Lacking of that proportion could’ve been sort of expected of a small indie studio at the worst, certainly not a giant like Blizzard Entertainment.

I’ve been receiving no exp whatsoever during some of my matches over the last two weeks or so, whether it’s mastery or with mengsk, it just straight up skips the score screen and dumps me back at the commander selection screen.

You must be experiencing something completely unique. The rest of us are experiencing no experience for mastery and ascension from co-op games. This only happened 4 days ago on the Tuesday update too. Two weeks is either a massive exaggeration or something much more serious which might warrant a direct support ticket message.

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Same thing happened to me. In Coop mode, my level is 50. For some reason whenever I’m about the level up to 51 it shows the experience bar going past 50 to 51, but when I click the ‘leave’ button to return to the main coop screen, my level is still 50. I’ve done this multiple times with different coop commanders to try and get past level 50. Nothing has worked. I usually only play on normal and hard missions, if that makes a difference.

remember when Blizzard gave a single crap about its customers? Good times…

still no response, still no fix, nothing. Looking great Blizz! BFA sucks, SC2 is dead, Diablo 4 is exciting but will probably be a nightmare. Only thing they care about is Overwatch.


same for me, MAC OS X, more than one commander tried…


NA, I have hit level 125 quite a few times now. :wink: Since I main Zeratul, I honestly thought for a bit that maybe I could only gain so much XP with each commander.

Me too, I have the same Problem

same problem, I have logged on and off the past few days several times including turning off my comp and starting back up. I have player about a dozen games now on brutal and haven’t gained any exp, when I should level about every 2.5 games. I’m level 711.

tengo el mismo problema, alguien ya tiene la solucion a esto

“alguien ya tiene la solucion a esto”

What was their solution?

im having the same issue. i should be at level 50 mastery by now and still at 44 after 8 games smh

Same problem here. Just noticed today…
Please FIX asap!!!

same here:
restartet laptop - not solved
reinstalled sc2 - not solved
turn off the laptop than turn on - not solved
tried 3 difficulties, 5-6 games in total - not solved
tried 3 commanders - not solved
i wanted to uninstall blizzard but i think it wouldn’t solve it either
logged out and then logged in - not solved
changing different settings and options - not solved
i haven’t bought any bundle
i have Artanis Raynor and Kerigan at mastery
stuck at level 29

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So , Wednesday is Patchday ( Launcher news ) i think until wednesday there is no XP