Coop Mutation #421: First Strike

With a powerful laser drill at his disposal, nothing is beyond Amon’s reach. If he can see you, he can hit you. Charge in and wipe him out.

Long Range - Enemy units & structures have increased weapon and vision range.
Shortsighted - Player units and structures have reduced vision range.
Laser Drill - An enemy Laser Drill constantly attacks player units within enemy vision.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Best Buddy] Espurr 33x40 Khalai Phasesmith
[CtG 33x40 Network Administrator] Arcturus 33x40 Merchant of Death
[CtG 33x40 Legendary Outlaw] Terribleness 33x40 Dark Prelate

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • This is the second rerun of First Strike.
  • The Laser Drill will revive once killed.
  • [Enemy Laser Drill location]
  • If the enemy is Terran and you kill off the Ghost Academies beside the Laser Drill, the enemy will stop sending nukes to your base.
  • Enemy creep tumors provide vision for their Laser Drill.
  • The fighting Champions also provide vision for the enemy’s Laser Drill.

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Mutation difficulty:
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Weekly Mutation Database
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Mutation overlap 2, 71, 237. this week 4th.

1st clear Fenix P2+Stukov P3

Mutation (First Strike) play list

This mutation requires cannon fodder as they reach the enemy laser drill. Placing base defenses nearby the laser drill to prevent it from rebuilding. Recommended commanders:

  • Karax P1
  • Zagara P1
  • Stukov P3
  • Alarak P3
  • Raynor P3
  • Tychus P0
  • Stetmann P1
  • Swann P1

99% of the difficulty this time comes from the map choice. So far after 3 games I haven’t found a single ally that understands how this map works.


Guess I got lucky to get a P3 Nova then. They went directly for the laser drill and camped it with a few liberators and ravens. Then I (P3 Stukov) just set and forget my psi emitter for my infested to profit.

Zagara (P1) with Stukov (P3) ally against Protoss. It was a cannon fodder bonanza lol.

It wasn’t bad. We just kept Zap Branniganing everything we had at the bad guys which whittled them down fairly easily. The only real issue were the Psi Storms from the hybrid. They really did a number on the units before they could get close. But more ZP’ing took them down eventually. I got one bonus with Scourge and my ally got the other. We ignored the laser drill.

It was actually kind of entertaining.

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This mutation benefits strategy over choice of commander.

Zeratul p3, Fenix p1, Artanis p3 are pretty reliable.

All Protoss with invisible observers are good in this mod. They can push with observers without taking damage, after all 1 unit is enough to push Ginara Wild forward if its tied.

One of the best strategies is to send an observer/broodlord/air unit near the location of the laser.
Then you can send over units in one way or another.

Most of the time your ally doesn’t know how to push without getting hurt by the laser, or has no plan.
You dont need to deactivate the laser, if youre able to push with invisible units, but it does make it easier.

The rest is pretty simple, because you choose when to engage in this map. If you push far enough, the events activate, if you slow down, you get more time.
You’re allowed to procrastinate, if you dont actively push Ginara Wild, the events won’t activate. (That has nothing to do with the mutation, thats just the map in general)

Making an expansion is a good choice in this muta. But you have to be 100% sure that you cleaned the whole spot.

South expansion is compromised by a few units on the high ground (south of your expansion) that will make the laser attack your right vespene.

North expansion is compromised by the first wave of enemies in the middle of the map.

If you clean those units, the laser looses vision over your expansions.

If you decide to take out the laser, you can just place a few heavy units to watch over the place and take the laser out as soon as it regenerates.

This screenshot might help:

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#2 First Strike – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Shortsighted, Long Range, Laser Drill

https:// (Playlist) (easy solo - Zagara p1)

Not difficult; just annoying.

Jinara (or Amon’s champion) gives the laser vision, so while shortsighted isn’t an issue there, the laser will be. Use cloaked units or multiple units to push Jinara.

Long range is tough, especially with shortsighted. The bottom natural will get attacked by the units in the bottom area.

Try to destroy the laser drill and camp it before you clear the center. It will probably be after the second set of hybrids.

For duos: Karax and Zagara

For solo queue: Stukov, Zagara, Stetmann

No challenge runs or meme runs because this mutation was too annoying.

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

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Amen T_T …

i just played with a russian Raynor lvl 1, and we didnt loose because of enemies. we did loose because i couldnt explain that he needed to move 1x unit to Jinara…
so after 40 minutes we lost. he constantly tried to attack the laser…

is this map an IQ-test for 5 year olds?


Im doing this map for the “Brutal Mutation”-achievement and almost noone that i’ve played with in 30-40 games re-played this map :_D (everytime i finish the map i check their history) apparently its generally hated. xD
Nova P3 can do the best hand-holding