Coop and complaints

Hello Blizzard.

As I said before, new maps were not added to co-op and still are not. I want you to please solve this problem. For example, my suggestion is that Coop can get this map “ALL IN”, everyone can have a lot of fun on this map. Or maps like “Safe Haven”. I would love for you to bring these, or if you want, you can copy some maps from the campaign mode like other maps and add them to coop. Please I’m a co-op player. I also play the campaign mode, but I find co-op very fun. All I want from you is to add a map. This may be a little difficult for you, but the players and I would be very happy. Everyone wants an update but you don’t. Please I want you to add new maps as soon as possible. Not just me, but almost everyone wants it. I wouldn’t make this recommendation if the arcade game “ALL RACES COOP” was so bad fun.

Best regards, Eymen.

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Hey DarkMaster,

Unfortunately, development of SC2 ended in late 2020. There’s no one to take and/or develop suggestions anymore.

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Speaking of that what happened to that initiative to leave coop balancing and changes to the community like how it is with ladder?

I only knew of one person (TangorCraft) who was fixing bugs, and it took a lot of begging for Bliz to allow it. He submitted changes to Bliz a few times in the past, but I haven’t heard of anything recent.


Yeah. TangorCraft compiled a whole list of bug fixes for Patch 5.0.10 back at the end of 2022. But the whole community council stuff is handled by tournament organizers and pro players and they don’t know much about Co-op(or team matches).

The official announcement was “no more new, paid content”, back in Oct. 2020. Missions/maps have been free and wouldn’t count as that. However, given we went 1.5 years without a new mission leading up to that announcement, it was clear that the writing was on the wall.

EDIT: grammar fixes

Yeah, I wouldn’t get hung up on the word “paid” in the announcement.

At some point, it was decided that SC2 was no longer profitable enough to sustain so Bliz shut it down (development-wise). Making free content would have gone against that decision.

I think the “paid” there means they May occasionally patch the game for free (as they did once) but anything normal people would consider “content” (commanders/maps/mastery/prestiges) is off the table.

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Which is yet another thing… we didn’t even get any updates/patches for game play balances, bugs, misc. Granted, when there were server issues like the free COs (Ray, Kerr, Art) being capped at lv5 (even if you leveled past that), the others being capped at lv5, or being in Ascension but capped at lv90… Blizzard did fix those as those were showstoppers. And then you