" Computer " on the NA ladder is quite obvious a bot

Riddle me this batman:

How does Blizzard let a bot play this game since the early days of WoL for 24 hours a day 7 days a week?



I’ve been reporting it for 2 years straight IT is still here.

and another thread.

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Good 'ole blizzy!!!

It has been online for at least the last 9 hours.

I smell someone multiboxing.

Maybe check their match history and see who’s their teammates?

Blizzard won’t do anything though, throwing games and multiboxing aren’t bannable offenses in sc2.

sadly, no his teammate tends to be other real human beings. Some would leave right away since it is a waste of their time. If i get matched up with it, i just kill their CC and then leave after it has already quit.

I actually fought the creature once, its a gold/plat player. I often check my match history find its name and see if its on. if it is, i just leave.


That’s too bad. It’s also why I don’t do teams…hell, I barely do 1vs1 these days, I’m just another filthy casual now lol.

bruh check the account. it literally plays 24 7, and has been since wol

Is there anything more embarrassing than ladder? It’s so bad.

just matched up against the abomination today.
it got into diamond… I cannot believe people would win with it on their team.
ALso some how in this season it has played over 14,000 matches.
5219 wins… 9624 loses.
if a creature can queue up for a match every 45 seconds and be online for 14 hours straight, how is the anti cheat not capturing this? it has been 2 freaking years.

Anytime I am chatting on either these forums or Reddit I feel like I am talking to bots. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if blizzard had bot accounts based on ChatGPT that post on social media to promote their games & generate engagement. It would explain why the posts are the way they are on these forums.

SO the secret to get into masters, is to have a bot that logs you in right away and leave right away.
the creature just got into masters and we’ve been reporting for 2 years. COME ON Microsoft buy blizzard already.