This is a test for a new style for the sheets, all combined in one mega post. I think it should make it better to navigate through the various sheets that have been posted. If you have any feedback, feel free to let me know!
In another topic I started making a couple spreadsheets breaking down units to compare them in a more base style. Specifically, comparing cost and supply versus HP and DPS.
They proved to rather interesting in my opinion, and I got requests for a number of other comparisons. Instead of running that topic further off rails, I figured I’d make a new one.
Before getting started, I'd like to add a disclaimer however.
These sheets are largely for entertainment and less so for information. While comparing how much one unit may do compared to another can be useful and hopefully can provide some deeper insight for the abilities they have; there are a myriad of things that can change this, between other units, CO abilities, even just basic CO setup can alter how units interact.For example, Nova’s Elite Marine looks pretty bad compared to Raynor’s Marine looking at just the numbers, the power that you can get out of just 4 Elite Marines could be far and away more than you can get out of 12 Raynor!Marines. Even though you have both more overall HP and DPS. Though the opposite applies as well.
So just take these with a grain of salt, and apply your game knowledge to them as we go!
Table of Contents
Click on any of the hyperlinked text to go straight to that part of the post(It may stop working with repeated use, forum issue.)
Bio (Marine, Reaper, Trooper)Marauders
Siege Tanks
Swann Trio
Tychus and the Outlaws
Unique Static DefenceEnd of Post
Trooper equipment stats included, but only at trooper cost and not compared cause they are very hard to compare, with their high upfront cost and lower long term.
- It will take 2 deaths for a Flame Trooper to beat a Rayner!Marine in cost to HP.
Aegis Guard gain the barrier at rank 1, and their crazy stim at rank 3.
Siege Tanks
Swann Trio
The Outlaws have +5/+5
Tychus’ Ripper Rounds not accounted for
Cannonball’s MALICE ammo accounted for as a +90% increase
Tychus given the same cost and supply to allow for better comparisons
Tyrannozors included, but not compared since they aren’t really Ultralisks
Fenix’s champion is added, but didn’t compare him
As everyone has +3/+3, Zeratul has all 3 parts of the Artifact.
Enforcer’s air attack not compared since it’s the only one to auto attack air.
Taldarin added mostly for fun, he also scales far better as he dies…
Unique Static