Comparing units against cost and supply

This is a test for a new style for the sheets, all combined in one mega post. I think it should make it better to navigate through the various sheets that have been posted. If you have any feedback, feel free to let me know!

In another topic I started making a couple spreadsheets breaking down units to compare them in a more base style. Specifically, comparing cost and supply versus HP and DPS.

They proved to rather interesting in my opinion, and I got requests for a number of other comparisons. Instead of running that topic further off rails, I figured I’d make a new one.

Before getting started, I'd like to add a disclaimer however. These sheets are largely for entertainment and less so for information. While comparing how much one unit may do compared to another can be useful and hopefully can provide some deeper insight for the abilities they have; there are a myriad of things that can change this, between other units, CO abilities, even just basic CO setup can alter how units interact.

For example, Nova’s Elite Marine looks pretty bad compared to Raynor’s Marine looking at just the numbers, the power that you can get out of just 4 Elite Marines could be far and away more than you can get out of 12 Raynor!Marines. Even though you have both more overall HP and DPS. Though the opposite applies as well.

So just take these with a grain of salt, and apply your game knowledge to them as we go!

Table of Contents

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Bio (Marine, Reaper, Trooper)
Siege Tanks
Swann Trio
Tychus and the Outlaws






Unique Static Defence

End of Post

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Trooper equipment stats included, but only at trooper cost and not compared cause they are very hard to compare, with their high upfront cost and lower long term.

  • It will take 2 deaths for a Flame Trooper to beat a Rayner!Marine in cost to HP.

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Aegis Guard gain the barrier at rank 1, and their crazy stim at rank 3.

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Siege Tanks

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Swann Trio

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The Outlaws have +5/+5
Tychus’ Ripper Rounds not accounted for
Cannonball’s MALICE ammo accounted for as a +90% increase
Tychus given the same cost and supply to allow for better comparisons

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Tyrannozors included, but not compared since they aren’t really Ultralisks

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Fenix’s champion is added, but didn’t compare him

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As everyone has +3/+3, Zeratul has all 3 parts of the Artifact.
Enforcer’s air attack not compared since it’s the only one to auto attack air.
Taldarin added mostly for fun, he also scales far better as he dies…

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Unique Static


This is at +3/+3, and any applicable upgrades.

For full cost, a Thor is the best choice for HP. Looking just at Vespene or supply Thors are actually the worst.

  • It takes 2 Immortality Protocol rebuilds with at least 25 mastery cost reduction for the Thor to pull ahead for HP versus vespene, if we include the cost of the rebuild.

Thor air dps is pretty sad, splash saves them somewhat though. Thor ground dps is pretty decent, only beaten by a moving Wraith.

If you can reliably move Wraith, their dps is best out of the three for all three categories. Otherwise Goliath are the best choice for air.

  • If a Goliath is attacking a ground and air unit at the same time, they have the best combined dps out of all three categories.

Nothing new I guess. Goliaths are just too good generally. If this is an all you can request buffet, would you do some funsies with Siege Tanks (Swann, Stukov, Nova and Raynor)? Please and thank you!

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Oh sure, that was one I was interested in. That and looking at the various main Terran bio (Marine, Reaper, Trooper, etc)

On the Wraith, you might want to moderate the DPS while moving. Fire up the Co-op Testmap in the Arcade tab and try to micro them with 100% focus against a target dummy. Keep at it and try to optimise your damage output. Unless I was missing something after 10 minutes, you won’t actually approach the theoretical +100% and +300%, but will average about half that. Let me know if you find a way to get the full bonus for every shot.

Bio would be interesting but I am not sure if you can get it all up in one sheet. Won’t be easy to digest at least. You’d have to compare three types of Marines (Raynor, Infested, Elite), H&H Reapers, three Marauders (Raynor, Elite, Royal), four types of Troopers, Firebats, two types of Ghosts… what did I miss? Although if by main you really mean main, that’d be a whole lot easier.

Hmm, how about Raynor’s stimmed marines vs Mengsk troopers with the rifle weapon?
Edit: looking at protoss, imortals from alarak, artanis, fenix, zeratul

Yeah, by main I was thinking of just the core units for them, so Marine, Reaper, Trooper.

Cause yeah, too many if we look at all the infantry.

Also neat! Take some time, but all three seem interesting to do.


+3/+3 and all upgrades researched, where applicable.
For Nova, I included 3 supply weighting but I decided to directly compare it as is they cost double due to her supply cap.

This is your most recent reminder that tank mode Siege Tanks have considerably higher dps…

With the +30% mech attack, apparently Raynor tanks are really good.

Bear in mind that Swann tank’s siege+maelstrom dps is only against the main target.

Mengsk tanks don’t have much dps, but they have improved splash at higher ranks to be fair.

Stukov iTanks have fantastic combined dps, since both attacks can fire at once. It’ll take a lot of infested to keep up with the fire rate with mech +30% though, in my opinion.

edit: Blizz forums are weird… I set both R/S/M tanks and Stukov to the same pixel width, and yet here we are…


You definitely aren’t wrong there, the only reason why I put it like that is that I’ve been listing the best dps of each unit. Even missing the attack timing a fair bit though still keeps Wraiths as the better single target dps unit. It’s also a stupid amount of apm, so there’s that too.

Don’t forget the fact that drop pod speed boost is pretty disgusting. Might be worth including in raynor’s marine stats due to the fact they can be so easily spammed directly into battle.

Also, don’t forget Karax immortals. RynerBr forgot to mention them.

Now this is very interesting! I never make Siege Tanks as Raynor despite having my points in Mech attack speed, and I seldom see anyone else sporting said tanks.

I never thought of it, but they are very decent, just lack the flashy upgrades the other tanks have. Fine work, brother, thank you very much!

You forgot imperial witness buff for Mengsk. And you left out infested siege tank :frowning:

The truth is, and this should be nothing new, Raynor has the highest dps and overall most spammable tanks.
Swann’s are good for hit and run and single target damage but for the generic “splash into a blob” role Raynor’s are far better.

Nova’s tanks, like almost all her units, are barely worth their added costs and supply (counting the 100pop cap) based on their naked stats alone. I haven’t checked in a while but was it like they get a +50% stat increase compared to the base version for a +100% cost increase?
It’s their special abilities from upgrade cashes and the extra micro put into using them properly that make them as strong as they are, which in this case would be their insane range + spider mine spam.

I can’t properly weight in Mengsk siege tank just yet but still, Stukov’s tanks are by far the strongest all things considered. They might have limited ammo and lack dps without their low range tentacle but their 18 range plus some 5 ish walking + leap distance of the infested volatile is crazy. More importantly, just by the act of firing their weapon they create an almost endless supply of broodlings which pin down any AI units at max range and provide vision for all your long range stuff to keep firing. It doesn’t matter how good or bad their dps is, an enemy ground comp will never reach them and all you have to do for it is deploy in siege mode.
Plus they got a map wide teleport just for the sake of it and a self heal…

So yeah. Count in the utility and effective combat scenario and you can’t beat infested siege tanks.

Crud, you’re right. I’ll add it tomorrow.

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Dang, you missed Stukov’s Infested Siege Tank.

Actually, you pay a little more than twice the cost in most cases, for roughly 2-3 times their usual HP, and 50% increase in raw attack damage barring a few exceptions. It’s a similar case for Horner’s Elites, too. Rather, the Terran Elite philosophy is to gain more durability rather than killing power, which is strange given that Terran units are all Ranger doctrine forces.

Since Nova’s inception, I have always disagreed with the stat spread the Elite units in Coop have. Too much of their power is invested in their health and spells/abilities rather than direct killing power, I always felt.

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I agree. This is especially the case with the Hellbat Ranger (the only unit I use outside Nova) which is borderline useless.

Could you compare Ultralisks between kerrigan, dehaka and stetmann? I’m interested in seejng the results!

Oh and also zerglings between the zerg commanders!

I think it is very important to consider that high HP units, despite having less efficiency, maintain their full strength until death, and stand a chance of retreating for repairs with their health pool.

Mengsks tanks aren’t great damage for their high cost, but can face situations and get away for repairs where the others would die.

Also I’m not sure how fair it is to look at vespene as having a 1:1 value with minerals since it comes in so much more slowly.