Anyways I don’t think this is too bad even though I don’t like the stim buff, Zerg and Protoss players are still better at the game in general so things should be balanced out pretty fast.
The stim change is by far the most controversial of these, especially since it affects TvZ about as much as it affects TvP and TvZ isn’t the focus of these balance discussions, since most would agree it’s in a fairly decent spot.
So I’d be very wary of the Stim changes. Other than that though the rest of these changes seem really well thought out.
The Warp Prism was going to be nerfed, and even if Blizz doesn’t go through with THESE particular changes, you can guarantee the Warp Prism is still going to be nerfed with the next batch. That said, I like the route this proposed change goes. It addresses the larger issue with the Prism and that is its reinforcing capability.
As strong as Prism juggling is, that isn’t the problem with the unit when it comes to how strong Protoss All Ins are, and plus, Prism micro is an important tool for DEFENDING powerful all ins especially from Zerg.
So going this route seems the smartest.
The other changes all seem very reasonable, although I’ve already read plenty of comments on how Zergs and Protoss alike don’t want Carriers to be important in the late game again. /shrug I have no comment there.
You have your answer already, they specifically say WHY they chose to make it an upgrade in the post. They want to buff the Ghost in the late game, they dont want to buff it in the mid game or early late game.
Not sure if I like these changes. I like that the Protoss representation in tournaments is getting addressed in general. And I like that the warp prism is looked at.
But the problem with the warp prism wasn’t that it could warp in units in 4 seconds, but that it was fast and had a big pickup range. That should be the focus in my opinion.
Also Zerg Lategame is barely addressed with this patch. They probably win like over 80% super lategame matches in tournaments. (I don’t have data on this, but this is what it looks like)
Well, Terran is the weakest race lately. And the tournaments have shown this. Terrans lose most of TvZs and TvPs. (PvT winrate in WESG was 63%, Super tournament was 66% PvT, etc. Really insane stuff)
Not sure, if I like the stim timing though. It really just influences the opening, but doesn’t change anything in the later game. The EMP change also doesn’t really do much. The problem wasn’t that the EMPs didn’t hit, it was that the army couldn’t be killed due to disruptor novas forcing the terran to stay away, etc.
The stim upgrade will probably have the biggest effect and allow for more interesting openings.
If 1 vs 1 isn’t for a GM on EU and NA, then who is it for? Cannon rushers? We’ve normalized 70% win rates, while bickering about 2% edges. I don’t care how long a “99%” win rate build has been in the game, it’s as imbalanced and stupid as it was 9 years ago.
It’s not blasphemy to nerf the strongest strat in the game. It’s called doing your job. This is pathetic. These guys have to reach out to random streamers. Maybe they should spend some time tracking win rates for certain strats, instead of seeking random opinions.
A cannon or a turret will shoot down a medivac. Neither stops a warp prism from flying right over it and then stopping in the middle of your main. You need a viking, or multiple turrets, and a bad prism pilot, to shoot it down that way.
Basically if you reduced the research time for stim you guys just opened the pandora box allowing the terrans for heavily pushes on low economy which can cause a lot of troubles in ZvT where we all know how hard is at the time to stop the pressure as a zerg. Now just imagine holding that even faster.
Besides that I think this is not a good approach, the terrans have a hard time defending the second base and also in late game. I’d say you should focus more on that. Try to reduce the storm dmg or the coloss range because that’s where they have a hard time dealing with.
Also I do belive that the warp prism abuse is still gonna be a thing even with this patch.
The carries were unstoppable back in a day a you just brought that back and besides you reduce the range of the infested terrans. In what universe is that fair?
Yes, please. I believe it’s the best buff, since timings with first medivacs are not doing anything currently in both TvZ and TvP, so there is no snowball effect for bio.
Mid-game timings in TvZ are currently non-existent, but with enhanced timings of stim/CS we may even see some mid-game action again in this match up
I don’t see why. Is this what progamers you talked to asked for? This is weird to me.
Never missed this low skill OP unit. Maybe just a nerf to Infested Terrans will do?
This is too much. Make it so WP needs some time to be in Phasing Mode (say 5-6 seconds) to be able to make a quick warp. This is basically the same, except WP is still alright when it comes to its main purpose: calling reinforcements. If it takes 11 seconds to call reinforcements, every attack will be decided by first engagement, reinforcements won’t be to change outcome in this case. So Protoss will be forced to turtle again, I am afraid.
Not bad at all. Thank you for your work, and for the very thorough explanations!
My opinions on the proposed changes:
Stimpack research time decrease shouldn’t affect TvZ since marines can’t move out on the map until the first two medivacs are out anyway. The worry that it will make TvP 2-base all-ins too powerful is valid. If it turns out that this is the case, I would recommend increasing the Raven’s Interference Matrix energy cost from 50 to 75, since that spell disabling colossi and immortals is a big part of what makes these all-ins so strong. Incidentally, this would also make TvT more diverse strategically than it currently is (it’s always build two Ravens ASAP right now).
The EMP upgrade is nice. Should help Terrans in lategame TvP, as intended. It will also help a bit vs Zerg lategame, which Terran is also at a disadvantage at. Ghosts are good TvZ lategame, yes, but Zerg spellcasters have long been severely overpowered in both ZvP and ZvT.
Infested Terran nerf: Good. Free units being so good was ridiculous. Free units in general are bad for the game, in my opinion.
Strategic Recall nerf: Good. Teleportation is another thing that’s bad for the game. For the same reason Nydus worms should also be nerfed, in my opinion.
Warp prism nerf : Hmmm. Well, this definitely delays the dreaded immortal all-ins, giving Zerg time to scout and prepare better, so that’s good. The bad part is that this is a small nerf to double Archon drop harass in PvZ, which is one of the most fun (and balanced) forms of harass in that matchup.
My suggestions (to be implemented in addition to the proposed changes, not instead of them):
Revert the nerf to Protoss air upgrades research time. There was no need for it in the first place.
Either revert the buff to Nydus worm unload period and delay, or revert their cost back to 100/100.
Increase the Raven’s Interference Matrix energy cost from 50 to 75.