Community Update - August 6, 2019

Well, first I would like to thank balance team for your work and efforts.

At the same time, it sad to see, that you have decided not to address key problem of tvp - the effectives of charge zealots, as a core army and harass unit. It is hard to understand what is meant by “changes proposed are sufficient to address these concerns”. As non of changes will address this problem.
Reducing charge damage is only one of the options which can be made.
For example other are
-change proportion between health and shields of zealot from 100/50 to 80/70, together with emp buff that would make terrans more confident in front line engagements
-or remove autocast from charge.
Any way only time will show if proposed changes are sufficient, but I am sure that for most terrans win rates in tvp match up will remain way below 40% or even 30%.
All the best


And we all know that any foreigner that qualifies from the WCS circuit isn’t really a contender at all, just someone that makes it to the Ro8 at best unless they get extremely lucky in the brackets.

1 Terran at Blizzcon would be extremely embarassing for Blizz and they know it. Although, the lack of Terrans at Blizzcon would be more because of Region Locking than actual game balance, and Blizzard is also very aware of this.


And the 1 Terran at Blizzcon for Korea is also the best player in the world for the last year and a half.

This year’s Blizzcon will be the worst because of the balance that lead to the current standings for Korea.


Dear StarCraft II Team,

TvP is still broken. Stim time and EMP radius don’t stop early 3rd bases and the snowball that it causes. Guess we’ll see a whole bunch more two base all ins for the rest of the year. What fun.

At least they tried to fix ZvP and PvZ.


There have been worse years of balance before, but the combination of balance and the fact that the foreign scene is basically devoid of Terran competitors (that is slowly getting better admittedly) is what would be contributing to such a scenario.

The region locking is the topic that is more relevant to that discussion in my opinion. Terran has been viable pretty much only in Korea for basically the entire lifespan of SC2’s esports scene, the fact that Blizz is doing so much to put the clamps on Korea is why the end results at Blizzcon are so Protoss and Zerg dominated.


None of these changes will help Zerg in the mid game against Protoss…


Serral isn’t a Korean Terran.


Two meaningful Warp Prism nerfs is significant. If you were expecting anything else then you have not been paying attention.


50 minerals and 1 pick up range will barely make a difference. Protoss midgame pushes will remain just as strong as they currently are. Immortals are clearly the biggest problem Zerg faces and Blizzard is acting like they don’t exist.


I knew it, they pussy out on zealot changes. Problem is not chargelot in first place, but that protoss get natural faster than terran and than fully saturated third when terrans just finished, protoss is ahead in all aspects from massive econ advantage at start of the game and at the same time taking early 3rd is no risk, because you can defend it… SO tvp is still unplayable, protoss will have 50units than you, better economy, better upgrades, better tech, terran is playing from behind without anything happening in the game. Increasing stim only makes terran all in every game, because macro is still unplayable. Allincraft 2…

  • nydus is to cheap, it got already armor buff, at least put it on 75/75 if you like comprimises so much, it would be still double buffed…

+piece of advice to balance team: if you buff and nerf something at the same time, it isnt nerf and i am not talking about tweaking something, that you tweak one stat and another, you make changes which cancel each other out usually…


They aren’t going to nerf the Immortal because if they did Protoss would die to Roach All Ins.

Like I said, you haven’t been paying attention. This discussion has been had already by smarter minds and better players than you. If you want some summaries, go watch Artosis’ show In Depth on Immortal All Ins. Then take a look at recent tournament results.

If you think Immortals need to be nerfed it’s because YOUR skill level needs to increase, and game balance isn’t a factor in what is happening to you.


The bugfix is something that needs to be done. Even after the bugfix it is stupid strong because infested terrans scale from upgrade which is stupid. Maybe in diamond league it is easy to kill nydus but there are different ways to use nydus in higher league and sometimes it is not easy to spot it. You have to react right away or you won’t be able to kill it.


Looks to me like

  • TvT still sucks because of the dynamics of Siege Tanks / Ravens / Vikings
  • Protoss A-Move power unaffected
  • Protoss still has get-out-of-jail-free card (Recall)
  • Warp Prism micro pretty much unaffected; maybe less viable harass vs Zerg because Queen range is ridiculous, but won’t change army fights
  • Warp Prism harass still too cheap for the threat it represents
  • Defender’s advantage vs Protoss still insignificant
  • Late game Infestor comps still OP because of Fungal and Neural; Infested Terrans are more for tanking damage than dealing damage
  • Swarm Hosts still cancer
  • Nydus still too cheap for the threat it represents

Pro Zergs have been talking about this for a very long time now, even to the point that they complain in WCS interviews.

Where Stats beat Serral or where Dark cheesed a million Protoss players to win GSL?

Yet it’s fine for Zerg to constantly lose to Protoss all ins? Amazing double standards in this community.


I think it would have been a terrible change to make it 50/50 but with 75/75 its still enough of an investment to where it wont be used every game.
We will see about EMP

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Thanks for keeping zealot broken Blizzard
Cant wait to see the next protoss players amove their zealot everywhere one more time


I’d like to thank all the diamond and below players for spending time crying on this instead of improving their mechanics and game knowledge. Noice!


Looks to me like your are in the platinum league and have no idea what you’re talking about.


so disappointed. promised to nerf toss, proposed 2 critical way overdue changes, then decided to remove them. unbelievable.

i kinda expected it to be twisted into a toss buff but i am shook that neither of the relevant and meaningful changes (warp in time, charge nerf) made it in.

instead its a buff to airtoss and a mini nerf to recall… pathetic. toss still op. balance team thought about fixing…changed mind. this game is so old and i bought it 3 times and i’m still waiting for toss to be balanced.


Tell that to Lambo lol

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