Commanders Pick Rates 2019

Here the data i gathered from my allies picks, yt videos and player histories; my picks won’t be included, just so i won’t influence this list with my personal tastes (like my strong dislike for Swann playstile).

I excluded Mengsk since he is still new.

(% are rounded by defect)

Pick Rates from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019

Commander Count %
RAYNOR 89 5.8%
KERRIGAN 106 6.9%
ARTANIS 107 7%
SWANN 86 5.6%
ZAGARA 95 6.2%
VORAZUN 98 6.4%
KARAX 86 5.6%
ABATHUR 97 6.3%
ALARAK 61 4%
NOVA 102 6.7%
STUKOV 92 6%
FENIX 81 5.3%
DEHAKA 81 5.3%
HAN & HORNER 50 3.2%
TYCHUS 122 8%
ZERATUL 139 9%
STETMANN 27 1.7%
MENGSK Not Counted
TOTAL 1519

My thanks to Tangor for this updated layout


Was expecting Tychus and Zeratul to be at the top, but I wasn’t expecting H&H to have a lower pick rate than Alarak.


They’re much newer than Alarak, so they would have less people who use them almost exclusively.

Plus Alarak lets you play as an evil space wizard, who doesn’t want to play as an evil space wizard?


Who doesn’t want an infinite supply of every imaginable kind of bomb?


Appears to be a fairly accurate representation of what I myself have experienced, with the exception of Dehaka; per my experience, Dehaka should be about even with Nova. Also would’ve expected slightly higher numbers from Vorazun and Abathur, but not by much.

With new forum features, making a table is more readable.

Commander Count %
RAYNOR 57 5.3%
KERRIGAN 73 6.7%
ARTANIS 73 6.7%
SWANN 61 5.6%
ZAGARA 64 5.9%
VORAZUN 68 6.3%
KARAX 61 5.6%
ABATHUR 72 6.6%
ALARAK 42 3.9%
NOVA 81 7.5%
STUKOV 67 6.2%
FENIX 58 5.3%
DEHAKA 58 5.3%
HAN & HORNER 35 3.2%
TYCHUS 100 9.3%
ZERATUL 105 9.7%
STETMANN Not Counted
TOTAL 1075

H&H lower than Alarak is really a surprise. I though they was pretty popular. Maybe because you play H&H a lot? :slight_smile:


Thank you for the tip ! I will edit this asap

H&H would be more fun if there was different composition builds for them rather than just doing essentially the same thing every game which is 5 galleons + Mass Reapers/Helions + Some Starport units to spend your gas on.

Same little deathball every game simply because of the overall design of the commander and no other options unless you’re into mass Widowmines.

I’ve played games where my HH ally only made and used Strike Fighter Platforms the entire mission lol (as well as constant Mag-mines, Call in the Fleet, and Spacestation Reallocation).

Last time that happened for me was on Mist Opportunities, about a month ago; I was playing as Tychus (of course).

It was actually pretty fun. I was slightly surprised how effective HH still managed to be strictly from using their topbar; although I did enable this, by doing quite a bit more to keep the bots safe than the HH player did. Still, fun to see something different.

huh, this is much lower than expected

people complain about Zeratul being too boring/easy but this just shows that this design is pretty popular


That’s Zagara, who I do play a lot of.

I find boring the cannon spam, but i love his robo build with the possibilty to warp freely around the map and i am surprised aswell about Dehaka, it used to be one of the most played.

@Surgical About HH, i love it, there are so much strategies viable, like early platforms, widow mines defence, hellbats, monoreaper - hellions, reaper wraiths, reaper bcs or even early vikings vs ground.

The only reason a commander is not popular comes from his low a+clikc potential or ability to easily break missions… The higher “easy mode” potential a commander has, the more he will be picked.


I’m pleased to see Swann, Karax, and Stukov, my original 3, getting decent usage!

Huh… Good to know! I’ve been using the “code” tag to format stuff into a table, like here…

Hmm, I can use this table formatting to put in additional columns :sunglasses:

Nah, that’s only 1, arguably 2 kinds of bomb. It’s still effective, but it’s the variety that counts.

Sample size to small, try 10000 for for statistical significance

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Statistical significance of what specifically?


I am not aiming for statistic significance and never said that my lists are indicative of anything, just posting to get some interesting datas, i could try to take picks daily, but i don’t think i will invest all that time on this

H&H is my favorite commander


H&H should always build strike fighters

Playing on Brutal means more things to do than a + move.

I can attest to Fenix all feeling samey a + move balls no matter the composition; by design, him + his army must be super powerful

Yes, I think the issue is that H&H can be a bit non intuitive at first while being able to goof around lower difficulties levels and seem one dimensional

Then becoming “too hard” on brutal in the sense that H&H becomes micro intensive for speedy and optimal results

But fun and powerful. Rampage through and control the map like no other. My favorite commander

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