Commander Tier List (Cremation) | Starcraft II: Co-Op #454

Amon has weaponized the infested. The ground is set ablaze as each one dies, and Void Reanimators raise them anew without remorse. Withstand the flames and guard the ships with your lives.

Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.
Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Heavy Weapons Specialist] [Nostrebor 33x40Wing Commanders]
[CtG 33x40 Keeper of Shadows] [Piky 33x40Devouring One]
[CtG 33x40 Folly of Man] Spohky 33x40 Lone Puppy
[CtG 33x40 Frightful Fleshwelder] Robust 33x40 Rebel Raider

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • This was the first mutation ever on Miner Evacuation.
  • A [Void Reanimator] is a ground unit that walks around the map and instantly revives a single random unit every few seconds.
  • The Void Reanimator has 200HP, runs around without any minimap indicator, and cares not whether you killed an enemy a minute or an hour ago. He will revive it.
  • Void Reanimators spawn from enemy buildings. Once you have cleared all enemy buildings, the Reanimators will no longer spawn.
  • Scorched Earth does not damage enemy units.
  • The infested and revived enemies will also set the ground on fire, so prepare for lots of heat.
  • Up to four [4] Void Reanimators can be active on the map at any given time. If you lock them away somewhere, they will not be able to revive any more units.
  • Abathur’s vipers can abduct ships in the fog of war. This will prevent ships from panic-launching, but normally results in severely-delayed games.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Cremation] - Online Poll -
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Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List

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Mutation overlap 35, 104, 270. this week 4th. 454.

1st clear Tychus P2+Dehaka P2

Abathur Abduct edtion

Mutation (Cremation) play list

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This mutation requires defenses and air superiority. Recommended commanders:

  • Karax P1
  • Raynor P3
  • Artanis P3
  • Kerrigan P2
  • Zeratul P2
  • Mengsk P1
  • Fenix P1
  • Swann P1
  • Stukov P1
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#35 Cremation – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Void Reanimators, Scorched Earth (advice) (easy solo - Kerrigan p0)

The reanimators don’t revive the infested.

I’ll be uploading a short guide on where to defend in a day or two. Subscribe so you don’t miss it. :smiley:

Full clear the map to stop the reanimators from spawning.

For duos: One defends, one clears

For solo queue: Kerrigan, Dehaka, Tychus

Successes [and key points] (playlist with all commanders)

I completed a few multi mutations this week, turning this b+2 into a b+5 or higher.

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

Nice people in my discord can help you with the mutation: https://

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This is a very fun map for tower play! Karax and Swann are quite the treat (if not their respective tower prestiges)! Early on, we needed to specifically gun down Void Reanimators. Later on, they were less of a threat. In fact, I didn’t even notice them late game (although I was too busy protecting the objectives)!

It’s neat that with both of them, they were able to tie up 2 Reanimators for a bit because they review single units, only to get immediately destroyed :smiley: They can’t gather up enough mass of units. However, they’re out of range of towers (I didn’t use Monoliths as Karax but even then, vision doesn’t go out that far) so the revivers don’t get taken out right away unless you go out of your to get them.

Karax P1 + Tychus P2
Tychus pushes, you defend. Despite “how invincible” Lone Wolf outlaws are, having cannons for them to retreat to when they take too much damage is helpful for them.

First shuttle (at exp), just make a few cannons towards the bottom, and a few at the top, from the same Pylon. I went with 3 to 5, plus 1 to 2 Batt (Shield Batteries). You can make a bit more here since they double as base defense whenever waves come from the bottom, and somewhat from the top.

For the 2nd shuttle (bottom right, just left of the Eradicator bonus), around 5 to 7 of them, and split them up. I made a dedicated group of towers for the cave at the NE since Voliatile spawn from there. Use Batt to force them to go around. Ideally, pay attn and use SoA to help thin down those numbers. I made a few Cannons N, and at the NW choke.

As counter intuitive as it may seem, for P1, your Probes are the ones that are “doing the damage”, so bring at 4 to 12 of them to the front lines. You only need 1, but if it gets killed, you won’t be able to reinforce with more towers/replace ones that got destroyed. Ideally, keep them in 2 separate control groups, or at the very least, not clump them all together such that one well placed storm, Scorched Earth flame, Seeker Missile, etc., will wipe them all out. Remember that Probes do NOT get repair, nor Unity Barrier on P1! Something that provides a nontrivial amount of durability otherwise!

Karax P1 + Alarak P0? (not P3 nor P2) vs. Immortals, Colossi (ground comp)
For the shuttle at the top left (just right of Blightbringer), I ended up properly spawn camping this time. Made a 10 Cann + 3 Batt just outside the cave Blightbringer comes out of. This really trivilizes that leg. Perhaps a few layers leading in (with each layer being a couple cannons or so), and another one bottom right (choke point) of the shuttle (I didn’t have to go crazy since my ally helped with def).

As a synergy bonus, my ally got to deploy his Warp Gate units off my pylons, gives him plenty of targets to utilize Structure Overcharge for additional dps (not to mention absorbing that much more damage), and Shield Batteries also restore his units’ shields (along with Alarak himself).

Fascinating that he completely ignored Slayers, and went mass Ascendants! Nice trade off since we were fighting pure ground comp only, it was quite viable. There were some stray air units, but Alarak was able to step in, or Ascendant mind blast.

Swann P2 + Nova P1
Pretty much do the same defensive layout with your towers here, as with Karax P1.

You need to make multiple types of them since they’re specialized, but they’re effective at that. A line of Flaming Betties will keep most infested walkers at bay. Billy Blaster for heavier hitting and distance. Spinning Dizzies for detection and some stray AA. That least one is key since for the 3rd to 5th shuttles, they can send cloaked Infested Banshees to pick away at the shuttle so not dealing with that can cause you to lose.

For the shuttle next to Blightbringer, Flaming Betties near its cave entrance (annoyed that you need to build at least 2 to 4 away since its unbuildable terrain), and a line of towers past the right choke

For the next shuttle (directly above your exp), those “line of towers past the right choke” was nice since enemies spawned ended up going after those, instead of moving right towards the shuttle. Didn’t even need towers at the left side (although it’s good for redundancy. Buying time for the shuttle is the idea with this map). Def. make Flaming Betties and BB near the shuttle since infested spawn from “pods” there. Make a Turret or 2 to stave of Infested Banshees.

HH P2 vs. air comp
Wraiths are nice vs. both air and infested. However, I did make a few Vikings with Shredder Rounds upgrade to add more oomph to anti-ground. SFP are nice, but I forgot to get the “set fire” upgrade until the very end. :\ At least we still won.